International Corner > Dutch Corner (Nederlands)

Ayude con Safaripark Beekse Bergen


Eerst moet me ik voor de grammatica verontschuldigen, ik gebruik een vrije vertaling plaats, ik verwonderde me over indien enig van u over dit safaripark weet en zou kunnen u vertaal wat het zegt.

I don't know much information of Safaripark Beekse Bergen. Butt you can ask it on

I know allot about it,
it's the greatest Zoo of holland, you can make a safari with your car through the exhibits of the animals from africa to australia, from asia to europe.
you can also take the safariboat, safaribus or just a walking safari.
it's a beautiful park, they have many animals from all over the world.
for more information, go to this site:
it's a dutch site.
sorry for my bad english :D

I love this zoo. I go there monthly.
At this moment they are building new enclosures for guereza's, gorilla's and chimpansees.
List of animals in Safari Beekse Bergen;
African elephant, baringo giraffe, Bacterian camel, guanaco, warthog, white rhino, grevy zebra, common zebra, onager, przewalski's horse, yak, banteng, red forest buffalo, watussicattle, eland, nyala, sitatunga, blesbuck, springbok, impala, blue gnu, gemsbok, ellips waterbuck, persian gazelle, sable antilope, blackbuck, nilgau, chital, 2 subspecies of sikadeer, pere dave's deer, mesopotamian fellow deer, red deer, white-lipped deer, markhor, hymadryas baboon, resusmacaque, stumptailed macaque, squirrel monkey, ringtailed lemur, red ruffed lemur, white handed gibbon, crested gibbon, Siberian tiger, serval, African lion, Persian leopard, cheeta(including the northern subspecies only found here aside from the Arabian Emergrates), African Wild Dog, dhole, lesser panda, Malayan sunbear, sloth bear, small-clawed otter, spotted hyena, meerkat, mara, capybara, red kangaroo, bennets wallaby
Great white pelican, african penguin, ostrich, emu, rhea, flamingo(lesser and chilean) cranes(crowned, sarus, white-necked, chinese, Demoiselle)white stork, black stork, marabu, goliath heron(love them :P), 3 species of guineafowl, blach swan, macoa,differt species of hornbills, hamerkop, little egret, cattle egret, senegal busterd, turaco's, hoopoo, different birds of prey(bald eagle, steppe eagle, eagle owl, king vulture, turkey vulture, falcon, harris hawk..) and more
Reptiles, amfibiens, fish and invetebrates; None
To bad there are no hippos :(

Sorry for bad English but I think its understandelble

ZT Rules:
Holland, aargh, I live in (south)holland, it's called The Netherlands, not Holland!!!! And Safaripark Beekse Bergen is pretty cool, I've been there once.


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