Author Topic: The Complete Guide of how to Edit Game Files  (Read 2124 times)

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Offline Methane

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The Complete Guide of how to Edit Game Files
« on: July 02, 2006, 03:50:42 PM »
These guides were written for the origional ZT2 game. There are a few differences in the entitie file locations if you use EA/AA. Penguinman was kind enough to inform me of this and give a solution:

If you have ONLY ES:
x100_000.z2f for ANY animal including original ZT2 animals

If you have AA and ES or just AA:
x110_000.z2f for AA animals
x100_000.z2f for ES animals
x101_000.z2f for Original animals

I believe the AI file and other locations are the same.

So, ZT2 doesn't have many cheats, right? Well, nobody never said you couldn't make them yourself! Because I'm a fairly good coder, I've seen many possible ways to blatantly cheat. And I thought, why not just share them with everyone? Anyone can do this stuff, even people with no experiance whatsoever. All you need is a free program called WinRAR (or WinZip) (downloadable by looking up WinRAR in Google or another engine.)

(First things first, excuse my spelling. I'm terrible at it. If you notice any obvious errors, please PM me saying I messed something up so I can edit it out).

Unlike the first version of the guide, I'm not going to tell you how to do specific things. I have several seperate guides that take you step-by-step through certian things. Here, I'm going to tell you how to read code and change things you see yourself, even if I don't have a guide for it. I'm writing this assuming you have minimal experiance with code editing.

The Rules

If you already have experiance with file editing, and know not how to do things like corrupt files and ruin your game, skip down to post 2. For those of you who are just entering the world of game file editing, READ THIS!

The Ten Commandments of Game File Editing:
1. There IS a limit. Respect it.
[INDENT]For every number, there is a limit. Changing the default donation of an animal to two million dollars WILL crash your game. Making it so that your Moose have 500 calves every time they get pregnant WILL crash your game. For many numbers, common sence is the limit. For others, there will be a clear limit set by the game, WHICH I WILL TELL YOU. If you go past these numbers, you WILL mess up your game. This is important. Respec the limits.[/INDENT]

2. Thou Shall Create Backup Files
[INDENT]Those of you who want to do some serious cheating are probably just bored with the game. But trust me, sooner or later you'll want to play it how it was ment to be played. Besides that, sometimes you're going to mess up a file and need the origional. FOR EVERY FILE YOU EDIT, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE ORIGINAL SAVED SOMEWHERE ELSE! Make an extra folder on your desktop called 'Backups' or something like that. For every file you edit, store the original in this file (with the original name). Therefore, when you mess up (and eventually, you're going to mess up), you can simply replace the file with the original. [/INDENT]

3. Do Not Attempt the Impossible
[INDENT]Do not make the minimum number higher then the maximum number. Do not try to resize objects to something smaller then they really are. Do not.[/INDENT]

4. If at First You Don't Suceed, Restore it With the Backup File.
[INDENT]If you mess up on something that I give you clear instructions to do, the firs thing is to replace the file you edited with the original backup file. That way, if you accidentaly did something like delete a space or quote mark, you don't have to comb through everything, you can just start fresh.[/INDENT]

5. Don't do ANYTHING 'Just to See What Happens'
[INDENT]Do not change the codenames of two objects to the exact same thing 'just to see what happens'. Do not move an animal file over to the building's folder 'just to see what happens'. Do not change an animal's location to 'albuquerque_newmexico' 'just to see what happens'. Chances are, if you don't know what will happen, your game will crash and you'll end up having to do something drastic like reinstall it.[/INDENT]

6. Don't Blame Methane (or anyone else but yourself).
[INDENT]This guide is telling you how to mutilate your game. Neither Methane or Zoo Admin is responsible if you seriously mess up your game. I'm going to tell you how to be careful, but if you have to reinstall (or even rebuy) your game, or have major computer problems, it isn't our fault. So let me say this just one more time: You edit game files at your own risk.[/INDENT]

7. If it Isn't Explained, Don't Try it
[INDENT]There is a lot of sensitive stuff in the game files you are about to tear appart. If you decide to break the fith commandment and change stuff around that you shouldn't, you could seriously mess up your game. Because you aren't given specific instructions, I have created a rule of thumb: If you do not know what a number, word, or bit of code means, do NOT change it unless you ask a coder to help you identify it. I'm always happy to help anyone out with coding, just PM me.[/INDENT]

8. It is Assumed that You are Intelligent
[INDENT]These guides are written by a fourteen year old freshman (from southern California, no less. For shame.). It is assumed that if SHE can understand this, then with a little brain power on your part, YOU can understand it. I'm writing this somewhat step by step, and if you reach the site's required age limit, you should get what I'm telling you, even if you don't understand it. If you have trouble, feel free to PM me. But before you come whining with a question like 'How do I open z2f files?', you should look at the guide to see if your question has already been answered.[/INDENT]

9. If, After Repeated Tries, You Can't Get it, Stop.
[INDENT]If you've been trying a single bit of editing for half an hour, and you just CAN'T understand it, and you CAN'T find the right peice of code, and it ISN'T working, and you're getting VERY irritated, then STOP. If you don't have the skills to cheat, you don't deserve to, and I mean that in the best possible way. I'm not trying to belittle those with less experiance, but unless you simply MUST have that certian cheat edited in, then you should try something easier. You can also PM me if you need help, and I'll be glad to answer any questions you have.[/INDENT]

10. Know your Limits
[INDENT]Besides the number limits in the first commandment, there are a few other ones. Like, when to stop. Editing every file on the game to your tastes isn't a good idea. The people who designed this game spent, I imagine, more then a year or two on this game. They spent a LONG time figuring out how to fit everything together just right. Once you've gone in and changed a whole bunch of stuff around, you need to know when to stop.[/INDENT]

The next post will go over basic game file editing.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2006, 07:06:00 PM by Methane »

Offline Methane

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Basic File Editing
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2006, 03:58:01 PM »
The Basics of File Editing

What we will go over in this section:

1. What which file does
2. What to change
3. What to do if your Gazelle start attacking your Polar Bears or your guests turn invisible

Part 1: What which file does what

This section is in quotes because, well, I don't know how else to put it.

1. The AI files

[INDENT]AI stands for Artificial Intelligence (in case you don't watch TV). This file decides what the animal chooses to do. In these files, you can change things such as animal lifespan, the number of offspring they have, and how happy they get when they do something. Here you can change enrichment objects to have a greater effect, food objects to satisfy more, and even make shelters more comforting. The two AI files can be divided into .beh and .tsk. Even if both files have the same name, they will control different aspects of the object or animal (or guest/staff member)[/INDENT]

1. The entities files

[INDENT]While the AI files decide what animals want to do and what makes them happy, the entities file is the deeper technics. The entities file says how an animal actually moves, it's cost (and refund if avalible), prefered biome, rarity, size, and other technical aspects. For objects, it decides what fame you need to get them, if research is needed (and the time it takes to complete/cost), and other things that do not directly affect the thoughts of guests or animals. The entities files are most commonly used to change the price of an object.[/INDENT]

Yeah, there are about twenty files you could potentially edit, but I'm not going into those. In this guide, I will show you what to look for in the AI and Entities files, not anything else. Trust me, there is a lot you can do.

Part 2. What to change

I highly sugest you edit a downloaded animal before you start on official animals. That way if you mess up you can simply delete the animal and reinstall it.

As said above, the AI files cover the 'intelligence' and thoughts of animals, guests, staff, and even objects. They decide how much good and bad objects do, as well.

The things to look for in animal files:

  • Legible words

Yeah, that's about it for the AI file. If you want to change something, you have to know what to look for. Example:

You see the word 'Birth' flash by in your Hippo's .beh file. You decide to take a closer look.

You notice that while changing the birth statistics aren't on the same line as the word Birth, just a little below that you see the numbers that clearly change the percentages of genders for offpsring and how many offspring an animal has.

If you want to change something, the first thing you need to find is a word that matches it. If you can't find anything, you'll have to scroll down the entire page until you find something that looks like what you want.

Or maybe your in your Hippo's .tsk file and see the word 'lifespan'. You poke around, and find out you can make your hippo live longer or shorter.

My point is that if you see something that makes sense, you can change it. If you are having a lot of trouble with your flamingos (I mean, they go poo ALL the time, and they always complain about a dirty exhibit, and they need SO much privacy, and they have critical exercise needs but won't even run around, and you just CAN'T stand it...), then go and open up your flamingo's .beh file. Go through the whole page, and slightly improve numbers and percentages. Then go through the .tsk file and do the same thing. Now when you boot up ZT2, your flamingos should be slightly better in every way.

Basic game file editing is really just that simple.

When you get to your entities file, be very careful. This is what makes those gears turn when your animal walks or what makes the money come back when you recycle the trees.

The same concept is held in the entities file, but I sugest holding off from these files until you have some experiance editing AI files.

Just look for things that you can understand. If you can write HTML by hand or can relate the finer points of a programming language, you'll have no trouble at all with the entities file.

Some things you can try out to test your skill:

  • Make an animal have 5 offspring/eggs per each pregnancy
  • Reprice an animal
  • Make an animal live longer
  • Change the percentage of male/female offspring from 50/50 to 40/60
  • Make the animal like a different biome

Part 3: What to do if your Gazelle start attacking your Polar Bears or your guests turn invisible

Well, you obviously changed something you weren't supposed to change.

Go back. Replace the file of whatever animal is messed up with your backup file (the one I told you to make at least five times). If that doesn't work, and you can't figure out how your Camels are now meat eaters, you may just have to uninstall ZT2 and reinstall it. Sorry, but that's the way it goes. PM me if you have any questions.

« Last Edit: July 03, 2006, 07:03:55 PM by Methane »

Offline Methane

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Advanced file editing
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2006, 03:58:36 PM »
Now, I'm foregoing big titles and convenient quote boxes for this post. If you're ready to go over this stuff, you don't need me to hold your hand along the way.

If you think you know everything in the basic section, you are ready to start messing with stuff you are unsure about. Begin messing with the code of downloaded animals (I always sugest messing with downloaded animals before you do anything serious with the official ones; if you mess up all you have to do is delete the file and reinstall). Attempt to take one downloaded animal and change it to something else entirely different. Here are a few things you can try out if you want to test yourself:

Take any downloaded penguin and edit it so that it will now eat out of a termite mound (if it doesn't already... :huh:).

Take any one enrichment object and change it so that it makes the animal either A, very tired after playing with it, or B, become dirty after playing with it.

After various changes such as this to improve your skill, take this one on:

Download any animal. Change it to do these things:

  • Cost $125 dollars
  • Have an adoption rarity of 30
  • Have 20-30 offspring/eggs per every pregnancy
  • Give you a 5,000% refund when you put it up for adoption
  • Enjoy a blank grassland map
  • Very easy to take care of

If you know how to do these things, then you can safely call yourself a pro.

Advanced file editors, or the pros, know how to do things like code animals and objects. Right now ZA really needs coders for all those new requests comming in. Once you get to this point, I can't really tell you how to get better, I can just show you how to do it safely.

First of all, there are plenty of great tutorials out there for animal creating/recoloring. All I have to say is back up every file you use. change one thing at a time, then test it in ZT2. If you change several things at once, you won't know what did what and you won't learn.

By the time you get here, you should know exactly how to do several important things to animals and objects. You can now see how good you are by creating your own animals, coding objects, and starting your own thread on the project board :happy:

Yes, this post was very helpful. But if you know how to do this stuff, you can call yourself pro:

  • You can safely edit the AI or entity file of an animal or object correctly each time.
  • You can install downloads without looking at instructions.
  • You don't hesitate when someone brings up a question of how to do something that involves coding.
  • You can sucessfully code an entire animal or object that someone else (or you) makes.
  • If you want to do something specific with an animal or object, you can do it.
  • You've had to reinstall your game twice because you seriously messed something up ;)

Enjoy your new pro status, and PM me with any questions or comments.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2006, 07:01:18 PM by Methane »

Offline SucySmith

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The Complete Guide of how to Cheat Like None Other
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2006, 07:22:01 AM »
Thanks for all the above.  It's very helpful!

Please can you tell me how to change the fame rating to make an animal appear in the adoption pool with a lower fame rating?

Offline RedNotDead

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The Complete Guide of how to Cheat Like None Other
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2006, 07:41:53 AM »
please do not post polls in theis part of the forum.

Offline Methane

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The Complete Guide of how to Cheat Like None Other
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2006, 01:30:15 PM »
Oopseh, sorry RND.

SucySmith, I've already written a guide for that, I think... I dunno, I've written them all in a short time and I get confuzzled :blink:

Yup, I just went and looked. The title was Changing the Porbability of Getting an Animal, so it may have been confusing. Just go here: [clickeh]

That guide may be a little daunting if you are just starting out, but if you follow it step-by-step you can adopt Giant Pandas right along with Camels and put Gorillas next to your African Elephants :happy:

And glad I could help out with my guides. If you have any questions at all, you can PM me or leave a comment on one of the guides, I'll be glad to help.

Offline wolfluver

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The Complete Guide of how to Cheat Like None Other
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2006, 07:05:20 PM »
Okay, I tried to resize the giraffe, and I know it worked because I got a pic so I know I am not crazy, but then I quit the game to edit some other animals, then none of the animals were resized! (giraffe included)  What happened and what do I do?!:blink: :crying: :ermm:

Offline SucySmith

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« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2006, 01:42:44 AM »
Thanks a lot for your help!

Offline Methane

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The Complete Guide of how to Cheat Like None Other
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2006, 06:39:31 AM »
Okay, I tried to resize the giraffe, and I know it worked because I got a pic so I know I am not crazy, but then I quit the game to edit some other animals, then none of the animals were resized! (giraffe included) What happened and what do I do?!

Actually, I have no idea ;)

I've never bothered to resize animals myself, and personally I think the sizes are just fine how they are. First off, I need some more info...

1. Were you making the animal smaller or larger?
2. What numbers, specificly, did you change (and what were they before you changed them?)
3. Is it possible for you to upload the pic of the mutant giraffe?

I'll go and edit some stuff to try and see how it all works. I'll get back to you with it as soon as I can.

Offline wolfluver

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« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2006, 08:03:08 AM »
1) much larger
2) for the gazelle, it was about .6, and I changed it to 2, the giraffe, it was about .8 and I changed it to 4.9 :laughing:

Offline Methane

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The Complete Guide of how to Cheat Like None Other
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2006, 12:25:32 PM »
2) for the gazelle, it was about .6, and I changed it to 2, the giraffe, it was about .8 and I changed it to 4.9

:blink: :blink: :blink:

Two words. Monster Giraffe.

Okay, why I am still unsure of your motives (exept it's hecka cool to have animals from Neom's Laboratory), I will poke around and try to figure out what happened.

Just a note here, though. It is possible that animal sizes are recorded elsewhere, and when the system saw that more then one was 'messed up' it overrode it, though I doubt it.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2006, 01:11:08 PM by Methane »

Offline wolfluver

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The Complete Guide of how to Cheat Like None Other
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2006, 01:47:43 PM »
Okay, but I checked the files after, and they were the edited files