Creativity Centre > Zoo Tycoon - Original

Confession ( more like questions) from a newbie ZT designer.

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Okay I've looked up these looked up these questions to make sure they weren't already answered, and I did not find them.

okay to start off i'm going to try my hand at ZT designing (because I couldn't figure out ZT2 designing:laughing: )

I basically kind of know way around APE already but I have extra questions.

- How can you edit other animals and objects not in APE?  I want to recolor some plants and other animals but they aren't in APE.  How can I get them?

- How can you resize animals and objects?

- How can you edit the animal icon and the picture for the zoopedia?

- How can you make RCT objects for ZT?

- Is there a way to recolor things all at one time without doing it frame by frame?

I think that's it.  Any help would be much appreciated!  Please.

Oh and one more thing.  When you actually make pixilation adjustments to the animations is there a way to copy what you did a similar animation without starting over?

I'll answer some:

- The plaque and icon cannot be 'edited' but you can make new ones and load them in.

- You can't resize in zt1.

- There is a recoloring guide available somwhere, but it's a very long process, and no offense meant, but It would take me half-an-hour to type it all up. Plus it doesn't always work

- Editing things not in APE - There's an ape enhancement for dinos and aquatic beasts, but I don't know about objects.

That's all I can really supply, hope it helps. :)

Thanks for the help.  I have the APE enhancement but it has no plants at all and is missing quite a bit of animals.  What I meant is, is there any way to get ZT foliage and objects that aren't on APE onto APE.  Put simply how can I edit plants and other objects?  Don't worry about typing the re-coloring guide, if you could find a link, whenever, that'd work too.  

Any extra help anyone can provide would be great.  The more info the better.

I have a question.  I've seen that people have edited animals like the Bowhead Whale, Mermaids, and other animals that weren't in APE.  How do you edit those animals.  For example I would like to edit the Orca but its not in APE how do I edit it?   Also I want to edit the Cherry Tree, Globe Willow, and Snowbell but they aren't in APE, so how would I edit those?


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