Zoo Tycoon 1 > ZT1 Strategies

Your favorite strategies for having fun with your guests

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My personal favorite is to make a large, maze-like enclosuere. Then, I grab a few male guests and drop them in, just as a Rex egg I placed begins to hatch. I place a tank full of Great Whites, a tank full of Killer Whales, another Rex, some Velociraptors, and finally the exit. Then I watch the fireworks :badgnome:.

That's what I do too. :wicked: Except I make an obstacle course with tyrannosaurs, velociraptors, etc., same stuff as you do techinically. Oh it's so fun to watch. :badgnome: And, not to be a mod. but, how are these strategies? :huh:

Well, I lurked around these forums for a while, and I've seen othe topics like this (No one posts in them anymore, though) in this forum. So I figured this was the place. Anyways, I also like to put boucy rides by the Rex exhibit and watch as the kids get off of them and into the Rex's habitat. Serves them right, for going to a Zoo without an adult supervision.

Ha, ha, bad kids!     No adult supervision = painful death by T-Rexes. :blink:

When I had ZT1, I used to block the entrance of the zoo after i let a bunch of people in, and then I let all of my animals loose! It was fun to watch the dinos trample stuff, and when they smush a bathroom, there will be ruble around a toilet and a guy sitting on the toilet! :laughing:

Yeah, I also like to make a small valley, surrond it in fences, and put a Rex and an Allosaur in it. I know that the Rex'll win, but I do it anyways. The victor gets fifty male guests, all panic-striken.


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