Zoo Admin News Desk > Site Discussion & Announcements

Site Administrator Changes

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I have both good news and bad news, but wanted to keep you guys in the loop.  First off, the bad news.  Rednotdead had resigned as an admin here at ZA.  Due to some real life issues, she will no longer be able to devote the time to help keeping the site running.  She has been a vital part of this site's success, and we wish her all the best.  She will still be around, but not as often as previously.  I hope you will all join me in wishing her the best.  She has been a good friend to me personally, and I will miss her.

Now for the good news.  Based on Rednotdead's recommendations, and from talking with the other admins, we've all agreed on Rednotdead's replacements.  Both of them have done a tremendous amount of work not just for ZA but also for the community in general due to their contributions.  I hope you'll all join us in welcoming CSLeesburg & Mikaboshi to the admin staff.  Myself, Yellowrose, Bielski, Penguino, and LadyzookeeperNY all agree that they will be a welcome addition and we look forward to abusing working with them even more closely.   :badgnome:  We thank them for agreeing to take the next step towards the abyss.  :D  Congratulations, and welcome!  

We'll miss you RND. :crying:  You really made the site more interesting :rnd:

But congrats to you both csleesburg and mika!  I knew you'd both be Admins one day :D

Thank you very much for the honor, other Admins. Both Mika and I feel very honored by this. We'll be doing the ZT2 Testing that RND used to do, so it will be at least several days until things are uploaded again.  :juggle:

 :yellowrose: Congratulations you two! I know you will both do a great job!

Aww thanks!! RND has already told us that we will be answering to her if we don't do the downloads just right, so you can be sure we'll be testing them as thoroughly as she did! (Or at least we can try, she was pretty much perfect at it!)


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