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Combined Exhibits: Escaping Animals

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I haven't played Zoo Tycoon in a few months, so tell me if I'm missing something obvious here. But anyways, whenever I try to build a combined exhibit (land & tank), my animals escape. So what am I doing wrong?

Well, are you taking about ZT1 or ZT2?

well, this is the ZT1 tech support area. so i'm assuming it's ZT1.

@renee: tell me exactly how you're building your exhibits. we can't tell you anything before that.

Yes, it's ZT 1.

Here is a screenshot of what the exhibit looks like. Basically, I built half of a normal fence with an attatched tank. The fence part is fine; they're escaping from the tank.

Hmmm. I wonder if the tigers are escaping from the tank...


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