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Freeform Unlock


This may have been asked before, but I have ZT1 only and tried using the mmfreeform unlock and map editor. It seems strange, but both work in scenerios, but not freeform. Any advice?

If you only have Zoo Tycoon, you should not be using MM unlock. It will not work, and that is why it probably does not work. You need to get MM first. And please, if you are not sure if it has been asked before, use the Search Button. It will pull up any topics related to it. This way you might not have to start a new thread.

When using the map editor you really don't need the freeform unlock. With the map editor everything is already available to you.

One thing about the freeform unlock. It is only good for the very start of a game after the game is saved and then reloaded it has no affect you will have to research all the unlocked buildings animals etc so they are available in the menus even though they appear in the game.

When using the map editor it is always a good idea to run the research as you are editing the map this way the research is all completed by the time you have what you want to do for the map done. And it saves doing the research again when the map is reloaded to build on. If the research is not completed then just leave the game run and watch a little TV or do some homework until it is finished or use Penguino's Quick Research hack to complete it sooner.

Another tip. - after the editing is finished and the research finished and you are ready to begin building on the map save the completed map and then before you begin building on it remove the map editor. It can sometimes cause issues.

Thank you both for the replies. They were helpful and the issue has been fixed.


Thanks for letting us know Vicki and glad we could help. I'll now close this as a resolved issue.


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