Zoo Admin Archive

Zoo Tycoon 1 => ZT1 Strategies => Topic started by: Yellowrose on June 11, 2006, 08:49:09 AM

Title: Generating More Cash
Post by: Yellowrose on June 11, 2006, 08:49:09 AM
Posted by: Flat_Eric Oct. 18 2004, 05:03 PM
I runa zoo for 2 years, build up nicely, overall rating of 87, but I keep running out of cash. None of my restaurants or gift shops are making any profit.
What am I doing wrong?  

Posted by: Smilodon fatalis Oct. 18 2004, 06:34 PM
You could try using "superbreeders" like tigers, to sell their babys  

Posted by: Flat_Eric Oct. 19 2004, 03:39 AM
I was looking more for any hints on getting the restaurants and gift shops to make a profit. Please!  

Posted by: Penguino Oct. 19 2004, 07:02 AM
Make sure they're in convenient, accessible places. Guests would only walk 40 tiles to a restaurant. You would typically only need one gift shop as guests can only hold one gift (don't use the photo booth in Marine Mania -- they count as gifts and aren't as profitable). You can also raise the restaurant price to $21.75 and the gift shop price to $15.75 without any complaints from the guests.

Moving to Strategies.  

Posted by: Coeur de lion Oct. 19 2004, 07:21 AM
A good tactic is put a restaurant near the swim shack, guests get tired swimming then go rest at the restaurant this combo is really good for making money  

Posted by: Flat_Eric Oct. 19 2004, 12:01 PM
Thanks for that! I'm off to try and save my animals from bankrupcy...........  

Posted by: fishtankbabe Oct. 19 2004, 01:00 PM
Also, how many restaurants do you have? (And how many guests are in the zoo right now?) You really only need 1 restaurant for every 200 guests or so, and they should be spaced out from one another. If you have too many restaurants they will start losing money.  

Posted by: Flat_Eric Oct. 21 2004, 10:51 AM
Ahh, here's the problem, I have about 240 visitors and 5 restaurants. I've now demolished 3 of them and will wait to see if we can start turning a regular monthly profit. Also by now (year 3) some of my exhibits are getting quite crowded, and the lions are complaining about overcrowding. It just makes me sad to see the little red sad face appear when I sell one of them off to the local salami factory.  

Posted by: zoohio Oct. 21 2004, 01:09 PM
Do not think of it as sell them to a meat factory. I think I am selling them to other zoos for future generations of offspring and species survival.
By now I should have replace every elephant that has ever been poached.  

Posted by: mo15 Oct. 21 2004, 07:54 PM
I would suggest making your animals really happy. guest are happier the happier the animals are, which will make them want to stay more and spend more money  I also put animals that breed the most and a gift shop right near the entarnce. its seens to make more money when placed there.  

Posted by: judieau Oct. 22 2004, 10:58 PM

Put in a compost building as soon as it becomes available. It generates a lot of cash and especially if you have poo from dinosaurs.

Hope this helps  

Posted by: judieau Oct. 22 2004, 11:00 PM

PS: Oh another thing you could try...put in a swim shack near one of your restaurants.

The people get hungry and thirsty after swimming and will go to your restaurant  

Posted by: PrawnOfTheApocalypse Oct. 23 2004, 11:37 AM
If you have the space, put a large tuna exhibit off in a corner somewhere 10 males 10 females and sell the offspring every 1.3 seconds.  

Posted by: Antimod Oct. 30 2004, 02:11 PM
I suggest you to make a funfair corner with picnic area, restaurant, benches. Put some cinema, animal theatre, elephant ride, carousel etc. there, and this must raise your money. Make wide paths to avoid crowded areas.  

Posted by: undercurrent Nov. 10 2004, 03:02 AM
(Antimod @ Oct. 30 2004, 02:11 PM)
I suggest you to make a funfair corner with picnic area, restaurant, benches. Put some cinema, animal theatre, elephant ride, carousel etc. there, and this must raise your money. Make wide paths to avoid crowded areas.  

Sorry to digress - but has anyone noticed that by placing benches near to your restaurant or cafe, guests have a tendency to stray and sit down on the benches instead?

To be frank, I usually place a couple of benches in front of each exhibit but never near to a restaurant or cafe. This way, whenever the guests are tired, they will head straight to the restaurant or cafe, rather than sit on the benches, and bring in more money. Benches are, of course, necessary if you are using the food / drink stands.

Posted by: mo15 Nov. 10 2004, 05:19 PM
ya...that will work. and try to stay away from placing the compost building...it makes guests unhappy. dont use the elephant ride either...it makes the adults happy. try and use the carousel, it makes the most profit for me. and remember that restarants can fit over 250 guests, so dont use too many.
also make sure you have lots of happy animals rememer:
happy animals=happy guests
happy guests=more money  

Posted by: Rotipher Nov. 15 2004, 12:10 PM
If you have a "kiddie area" in your zoo -- playground, petting zoo, kid-pleasing decor -- that's a place where you *can* get away with an elephant ride, and an arcade can also work. You might try an ice cream stand too, if you can get enough kids there to justify the expense of an MW to tidy up the trash. It's best to set such areas a little ways away from less kid-specific attractions, but not too far from a restaurant either: the kids will pay to play video games, ride elephants, and buy ice cream, but they'll still need to go to the restaurant (more $$$) for drinks and restroom breaks.

Note that you can stick the compost building in a little "exhibit" of its own at the rear of a larger animal-exhibit. Hide it in a corner and fence it in snugly, then build an elephant or large dino exhibit in front of and screen it from view with foliage if you like. Don't worry about access; the compost building will still ring in the profits even if there's no visible way for zoo staff to reach the thing.

For restaurants, decorating the area around the entrance doesn't hurt. Most guests who head for those will be at least a little unhappy because of hunger/thirst/full bladder/tiredness, so a few flowerbeds, statues, etc can help offset that and encourage them to stay longer once their needs are met.  

Posted by: Captain Nemo Nov. 16 2004, 03:02 AM
Why don't You just press SHIFT and 4 , press and hold shift then press 4 once! it gets you $10k. I hope that this helps!  

Posted by: Penguino Nov. 16 2004, 05:38 AM
Not everybody would want to use cheats, especially not if they posted here in the Strategies section.  

Posted by: Quivaz Nov. 17 2004, 07:56 PM
yeah, and going for the authentic way of raising money is more fun too. When you cheat, your cheating yourself out of a little bit of fun too.