Zoo Admin Archive

Technical Support & Downloads => Download Support => ZT 2 Downloads Support => Topic started by: Bunnie on November 06, 2006, 06:35:04 AM

Title: Free Zoo keeper problems
Post by: Bunnie on November 06, 2006, 06:35:04 AM
Hi all,
Been watching this site for a while now and very impressed with it, i've also downloaded a few things from it as well;
I'm having a big problem, I just got MM but every time i try to get a member of my FREE staff the game locks up and i have to reboot! any idea's how i can keep my free staff or will i have to take out that download?

Please help me!

Title: Free Zoo keeper problems
Post by: RedNotDead on November 06, 2006, 06:42:30 AM
this hack will cause problems if you ahve modified any of your setting from the default  options as mm2 is very buggy and does not like you to change game settings.  I am still working on a way to fix this for 'modified' game settings.

also moving and merging with the correct topic and forum place.
Title: Free Zoo keeper problems
Post by: RedNotDead on November 06, 2006, 09:45:20 AM
The hack has now be updated and should no longer cause any game problems.  Please redownlaod the new version if you have had problems with the previous version.  Also includes a sperate file for those who do not have mm2
Title: Free Zoo keeper problems
Post by: Bunnie on November 07, 2006, 04:00:13 AM
I have downloaded the new verion but i still get the same problem! but this is not such a major issue anymore as i have downloaded the ATM cheat and have enough money now to pay for the zoo staff, thanks all for trying to help.