Author Topic: Guest Happiness  (Read 2296 times)

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Offline x-vixen-x

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Guest Happiness
« on: April 14, 2006, 10:37:01 AM »
Iv'e tried everything to raise guest happiness and it just isn't working.  I have happy animals, no litter, no trashcans, enough staff, tourguides to keep them happy, lots of aesthetic appeal (fountains, flowers etc.) high ratings for my exhibits and lots of attractions to keep them occupied.  As far as I know I have done everything that you should do to make guests happy but the overall happiness just isn't getting high enough.  If I check the happiness of each individual guest some of them are at 100.  I heard that if you raise the admission price then you get fewer new guests (and so they don't bring down the overall happiness) but I have done this and I'm still getting new guests and my happiness is plumiting.  Can someone help?? Thanks a lot,   x-vixen-x

Offline Bengal

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Guest Happiness
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2006, 11:47:12 AM »
Hi Vixen. My first question for you is, what version of ZT do you have? Dino Digs, Marine Mania, Complete Collection, or the original? Also, have you downloaded any patches from the official Zoo Tycoon website? You may need this patch depending on what version you have.  :)

Offline x-vixen-x

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Guest Happiness
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2006, 11:26:25 AM »
Hey.  To answer your questions I'm using the original version of zoo tycoon and I havn't downloaded any patches as I don't know which I need. Thanks for helping x-vixen-x

Offline Bengal

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Guest Happiness
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2006, 11:29:22 AM »
Ok, since you have the original version, you need to download the patch.

Edit: Oops, I gave you the link to the ZT2 patch. Give me a minute and I will find the correct link for you.

Edit Edit: Okay, here is the right patch  :lol Click here

Offline genkicoll

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Guest Happiness
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2006, 01:36:02 PM »
I thought that I had posted some tips to keep guests happy here at ZA, but maybe I didn't? :blink  At any rate, here are some tips for you (besides installing the patch):

Tips to keep your guests happy:

#1 - Animals, animals, animals. Make sure there are animals visible from every which way the guests may happen to turn. This isn't going to help at all, and may even have the opposite effect, if your animals aren't happy. Therefore:
- Reach for that 100% suitibility rating on your exhibits! A high suitability will make for happy animals.
- Make sure your animals are not feeling crowded by too many guests. If you see that your animals are feeling crowded, use a fence that your guests can't see through on much of your exhibit, leaving only a few viewing areas where they can see in. This is especially important on your shy animals such as pandas, many of the leopard species, etc. Also, NEVER put your pathway directly touching the fence of the exhibit on your shy animals. I recommend always keeping a tile between your pathway and your exhibit, since even the most social of animals will feel crowded by 1000 guests meandering past their exhibits
- Be sure that you don't have too many animals in your exhibits. Nothing will anger an animal more quickly than being crowded by their own species. If they get crowded, find the newest animals in the exhibit, make sure to leave at least one male and one female, and sell off the older animals - this will prevent losing animals to old age, thus giving you a nice financial boost
- Keep a zookeeper assigned to the exhibit. This will prevent the exhibits from getting filled with too much poo (which the animals really hate), and the presence of the zookeeper gives the animals a happiness boost. I recommend putting the gates to exhibits close together (if not touching), so that the zookeeper can easily go from one exhibit to the next.

#2 - FOOD!
Guests have needs - hunger, thirst, bathroom and energy. While they have these needs, they don't necessarily want them filled My biggest problem when I first started playing Zoo Tycoon is that I could never make my guests happy no matter HOW many restaurants and rest areas I put in! Truth be told, your guests would rather have all their needs at ZERO than to have too many places to fill their needs! Therefore:
- DON'T put in too many restaurants/rest areas. When you DO put in these things, be sure to make them easily accessible to the guests.

#3 - Attractions
We all know that the guests enjoy the attractions - Aviaries, reptile or insect houses etc, but how much do they really like them? This one I'm unsure of. In my experience, the guests would much rather see an exhibit filled with happy animals than to go to an attraction. In my current zoo, my zoo rating is at 98 and guest happiness also at 98...and the only attraction in my zoo is an animal theatre. (at the time I wrote this :P)

Offline x-vixen-x

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Guest Happiness
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2006, 02:04:28 PM »
Thanks to both of you.  I have installed the patch as suggested, but this has made very little difference.  I'm going to start a new zoo now and see if I have any more luck with that one now that the patch is up and running... maybe it will help this time (fingers crossed anyway). Any more suggestions will be gratefully welcomed.  I will post back in a while when my new zoo either suceeds or fails at achieving high guest happiness. thanks again x-vixen-x