Author Topic: Stop my Zoo. I want to enjoy it  (Read 1799 times)

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Offline eubs

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Stop my Zoo. I want to enjoy it
« on: April 17, 2007, 12:44:40 PM »
So here is my dilemma, I built a wonderful Zoo.  It has all the needs for the guests, the right mix and number of animals and some beautiful scenery.  I would like to just walk around and enjoy the fruits of my labor.  But as soon as I do the cheetahs don't have enough space, the keeper 1 can't reach the small poop and "fill in animal here" wants a mate.  

I know the Zoo is a simulation and you need to manage the components and I enjoy doing that but once in a while I just want to watch my dolphin show in peace.  

How could I make a hack that would stop time for the animals but not the guests?  And in a perfect world still let me train my Marine animals?

Any ideas?  Thanks in advance.

Offline alloy61

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Re: Stop my Zoo. I want to enjoy it
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2007, 02:18:31 PM »
you could install the space hack

As for the keepers lock them in the exhibits or ignore the messages while you watch (it's unlikely to make the animal sick, and even if it does your keepers locked in and can usually reach them quite easy)

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Re: Stop my Zoo. I want to enjoy it
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2007, 06:34:33 AM »
Stop the world I want to get off, eh?

I don't have any very good suggestions except to point out the potentially obvious note that all the messages aren't necessarily urgent.  If animals want mates or a baby is born or someone dies from old age, there isn't really anything you HAVE to do about it.  If you do what alloy suggests and lock the zookeepers inside, you can probably rest assured the whole zoo isn't running wild and just ignore the messages for a while.  (EDIT:  OK I guess I read alloy's answer too fast...he said you could ignore the messages too.   :blush:)

I had always thought, though, it would be kind of nice to have a staff member called a zoo manager that you could pay for just that purpose.  He could be kind of a super-zoo keeper, and have an expensive salary, and have the power to do things like release animals into the wild, hire more zoo staff, and make other decisions, so if you did want to hire one of them and stop worrying about that stuff, you could.

Offline eubs

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Re: Stop my Zoo. I want to enjoy it
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2007, 06:52:03 AM »
I guess it must be some type of obsessive compulsive disorder but ignoring the messages is tough for me.  I tend to release the animals that request a mate as a method of management.

The additional hacks can certainly help me do this.  I downloaded a few yesterday but didn't get a chance to try them.  I'm a little worried the space hack could make the Jeep tours unusable as too many animals would be in the way of the path.  
That said is there a way to toggle these on and off.  Most of the time I like managing my zoo.

Do profiles let you do this?