Author Topic: Exp Pack Animal Info  (Read 3175 times)

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Offline katzmeow

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Exp Pack Animal Info
« on: October 21, 2005, 05:42:48 PM »
Hello!  I am looking for help in finding the space requirements for the new animals in the Exp Pack.  Using some of the editing info on this forum, I was able to open some of the game files, but so far I cannot find the info I am looking for.  Is someone able to direct me to the correct folder/file?  I'm not looking to actually edit anything--just get the space info and any other helpful info there may be.  Thank you for your assistance.

BTW, I am not new to this forum--just never needed to post before.  :)

Offline Simba

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« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2005, 02:09:15 AM »
download ape 2

please rememeber the forum rules regarding posts.  if you do not have anything useful and helpful to say please do not post.

Offline katzmeow

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« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2005, 10:59:38 AM »
Okay, I went ahead and did that, but all it did was take me to the files I had already found on my own, which are for the original animals.  I was wondering if anybody found the files for the new Exp Pack animals.  Thanks anyway, though.

Offline RedNotDead

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« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2005, 11:03:36 AM »
have you looked in the ES folder that the game creates - i havent got it yet but have been told that it creates a new folder and i guess the files will be found in there.  in the original the files needed were in the entites.z2f file i think but dont know what they call it now until i can get a look at the files in there.

Offline katzmeow

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« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2005, 06:45:28 PM »
I found a folder labeled 'xp' that has three files in it:  EndangeredSpecies_icon (DDS file), which I don't know how to open, es (XML document), and zoo2 (XML document), neither of which tells me anything unless I am doing something wrong.  That's why I came to the experts here--I'm not completely sure what I am doing.  I was hoping someone else had already found them and could tell me where they are and how to read them.  I'm just looking for the basic information on each animal in order to create a suitable habitat, mainly the size requirements.  Right now I'm creating a zoo with these large exhibits that taking up a lot of space, but I'd rather go too large than too small and end up with a bunch of angry animals!  :shocked

Thanks for the advice so far.  I'll keep looking and maybe in the meantime someone will come up with some more info.

Offline Otter Lord

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« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2005, 08:04:39 PM »
All the files from the xp are in the files x001_000.z2f and x100_000.z2f

Offline katzmeow

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« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2005, 07:10:25 PM »
Thank you Otter Lord!  I found the new animals!  I need just a bit more help, though.  Here's the path I followed in the file: entities/units/animals/ai/Wolverine.xml  There's a lot of info in there and I did find some stuff I recognized such as maximum donation amount and biome preferences.  Still not finding the main thing I wanted--space requirements.  Am I just not seeing it in all that information or am I in the wrong place for that?

Offline Wildlife Enthusiast

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« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2005, 08:17:29 AM »
Ok, I found it for you, but I hope I don't confuse ya! :happy   I'll use polar bear as the example.......
x100_000 --> entities --> units --> animals --> ai -->  BearPolar.xml (this is the parent file, which the other polar bear files rely on).
Find the following line (I'll highlight the space requirements in blue):
      f_RequiredInitialSpace="320" f_RequiredAdditionalSpace="80" p_PursuitBallNode="0 -3 180" p_HollowLogDock="0 -2.5 180" b_CubbingDenUser="true" b_RaisedSleepingPlatformUser="true" b_SmallWoodenShelterUser="true" b_SmallSnowCaveUser="true" b_SmallRockCaveUser="true" b_SmallConcreteShelterUser="true" b_LargeSnowCaveUser="true" b_LargeRockCaveUser="true" b_LargeConcreteShelterUser="true" b_TundraAnimal="true" b_SniffsTroughs="true" b_SniffsMetalTroughs="true" b_SniffsCarcass="true" b_SniffsFoodDish="true" b_ClimbsLargeWetlandsRockLarge="true" b_WetlandsOdd="true" b_ClimbsLargeTropicalRainforestRockLarge="true" b_TropicalRainforestOdd="true" b_ClimbsMediumTemperateForestRockLarge="true" b_TemperateForestOdd="true" b_ClimbsLargeTemperateForestRockLarge="true" b_ClimbsMediumScrubRockLarge="true" b_ScrubOdd="true" b_ClimbsLargeScrubRockLarge="true" b_ClimbsMediumSavannahRockLarge="true" b_SavannahOdd="true" b_ClimbsLargeSavannahRockLarge="true" b_GrasslandOdd="true" b_ClimbsMediumGrasslandRockLarge="true" b_ClimbsLargeGrasslandRockLarge="true" b_DesertOdd="true" b_ClimbsMediumDesertRockLarge="true" b_ClimbsLargeDesertRockLarge="true" b_ClimbsMediumBorealForestRockLarge="true" b_BorealForestOdd="true" b_ClimbsLargeBorealForestRockLarge="true" b_AlpineOdd="true" b_ClimbsMediumAlpineRockLarge="true" b_ClimbsLargeAlpineRockLarge="true" b_BeefShankEater="true" b_RubberToyUser="true" b_RattleBallUser="true" b_PursuitBallUser="true" b_PoleRopeIceBlockUser="true" b_PlasticBarrelUser="true" b_UsesMediumIceFloeSmall="true" b_UsesMediumIceFloeLarge="true" b_GnawsOnMediumIceFloe="true" b_UsesLargeIceFloeLarge="true" b_GnawsOnLargeIceFloe="true" b_HeatedRockUser="true" b_CarTireUser="true" b_BallUser="true" b_FeederBallUser="true" p_FightOffset="0 -2.75 180">

Hope it works for ya! :D

Offline chicken_derby

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« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2005, 12:04:07 PM »
OtterLord said that all files are in the x100 and x001 files.

I cannot for the life of me find the x001 file.  The reason I want to find it is that I want to create extra skins for the animals, and while looking through files I noticed that some animals, like the African Wild Dogs do not have their dds skins in their entities folder like all other animals.

And, because I am that kind of person, even though I do not want to make more skins for the Wild Dogs at the moment, I cannot rest until I find out where their skins are.  Does anyone know, are they in the mysterious x001 file?  Ahh the horror!

Offline Wildlife Enthusiast

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« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2005, 01:13:52 PM »
x100_000.z2f and x001_000.z2f are in the main ZT2 folder (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Zoo Tycoon 2), and there are many folders within those, so start by unzipping those. :)

Offline chicken_derby

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« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2005, 02:30:47 PM »
Okay.. then I feel like I should start worrying.  I only have the x100 file.  I did a full My computer search for the other and turned up nothing.  I have all my hidden files shown.

I'm beginning to wonder about my copy of the game, then.  I bought it at Target, but I had to install twice.  The first install, all my animals were steadily getting angry despite having all needs met.  After the second install, of the whole game, including original zt2, it started working.

However, now that I cannot find this file, I don't know.  Maybe my copy is busted...

Offline ZooD

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« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2005, 02:32:25 PM »
i think i'll put this on my animal information power point

Offline katzmeow

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« Reply #12 on: November 08, 2005, 05:14:50 PM »
Thank you Wildlife Enthusiast!  That's exactly what I was looking for but for some reason just couldn't see that info.  This will help alot.  I usually just do freeform games and don't want to have to deal with angry animals while I'm trying to be creative.  :)