Author Topic: Help  (Read 1894 times)

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Offline marleybug

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« on: December 28, 2005, 08:20:50 AM »
I am doing a challenge zoo and I had a lot of geusts and then they all left. Now no one else will come to my zoo. I thought that mabye I had accidently turned them off or closed the zoo but I didn't.

Offline csleesburg

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« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2005, 09:08:23 AM »
That happened to me once, too. I finally had to re-start the challenge.  :sad I discovered that by putting the camels/gazelles/other savannah animals right behind the food court (which was right inside the gate), the guests had to cross the court to see them. And when they're combined, they function fine. As I got other Savannah animals, I just kept adding them. Then I put the Tundra exhibit (musk ox, caribou) right to the left of the entrance. As soon as I could get it, I put the insect/reptile house to the right of the entrance. This keeps the guest going in a circle, stopping to buy things. As soon as I could, I added a restaurant BESIDE the Savannah exhibit, and began adding animals on that side. As I got other animals, I did the same thing on the other side. I put the Wetlands on one side and the Forest (moose/bear) on the other. WAY in the back, when I got them, I put the chimps. I also put the peafowl in a small exhibit near the food court, where I also built a sandy 'play' area with the bouncy ride, adding other 'toys' as they became available.

It worked for me, so hope the hints help you! :happy

Offline Animalman

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« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2006, 06:21:52 PM »
Just add a new exhibit!

Marleybug has never indicated that the suggestion did not work, so please stop 'bumping' old topics.

Offline Littlemog

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« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2006, 04:54:28 AM »
It's a bug  that seems to happen randomly whenever you start a challenge -you can recognise it by, if after instantly starting the challenge, your guests start walking towards the walls of your zoo instead of straight to the entrance, the "stand around going 'I have nothing to do' then leave" bug has been triggered. As far as I know there's no way to repair it, but you can revert to an old save before you started the challenge, or just not accept challenges in the first place if you've saved recently. Luckily it's never happened to me on an avoidable challenge (like the earthquake one)

(Usually, the guests walk from the 'spawn' point behind the entrance, straight to the entrance, then carry on as normal, rather than going in a beeline for the nearest exhibit (generally diagonally, ignoring the zoo entrance) then walking into the wall. Other guests quit what they're doing and stand there looking for something to do. You take a reputation and fame hit because "there's nothing to do" in your zoo, and eventually guests just stop coming altogether, regardless of new exhibits. But while the "looking for things to do" takes a while to show up, the entrance bug can be spotted the instant the next guest comes in and you don't have to waste time before loading your old game.)

(I know the thread's old, but that could help someone if they have the same problem and csleesburg's suggestion didn't fix it)