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Offline casey

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Photo challenges
« on: January 19, 2005, 07:56:33 PM »
Posted by: Quivaz Nov. 20 2004, 08:06 AM
Photo Challanges v.1
a general listing of different challanges you may be asked to complete:

Marketing Brochure
Difficulty: Easy

The marketing department is preparing a new zoo brochure and has requested pictures of the following:

A guest holding an ice cold soda
A guest sitting on a bench

Providing these pictures will help improve your zoo fame as flyers promoting your zoo begin to circulate around your community.

Possible Responses:
Marketing has received your pictures of a guest drinking an ice cold soda and a guest sitting on a bench. The new glossy brochure has been distributed around your community and news of your zoo is spreading rapidly!

Great pictures! Your completed brochure will have a positive impact on zoo fame.

Scientific Journal
Difficulty: Easy

You have been approached by a scientific journal writing an educational piece about Even-Toed Ungulates (Artiodactyls). They have requested 3 specific pictures for their article and have offered you $750 per picture. If you can provide a picture of a Dromedary Camel, a Gemsbok and a Thomson's Gazelle, you will be paid $2250. The publicity will also provide a bonus to your zoo fame.

Possible Responses:
The journal loved your photos! You have been paid $2250 for the photos and you are sure to gain increased popularity as a result of the published article.

Your photos will really enhance the piece on even-toed ungulates.

Zoo News Monthly
Difficulty: Moderate

Zoo News Monthly wants to run an article on your zoo but needs pictures to back up their story. Once you provide the photos, they can run the news piece which will have a positive impact on your attendance for the next 3 months that the issue is displayed on the news stands. They are looking for photos of:

A jaguar swimming in the water
An ibex resting in a stable
A moose rubbing its antlers on a tree

Possible Responses:
The Zoo News article looks fantastic and the photos were so impressive that your zoo has gotten a mention on the magazine cover! Your attendance is sure to get a boost while the magazine stays on the news stands.

Your photos were fantastic. Your zoo was given a cover mention on Zoo News Monthly's magazine cover!

High School Class Demonstration
Difficulty: Challanging

The local high school is currently studying the concept of the food chain. They would like to demonstrate this concept to the class and have asked if you can provide a sequence of pictures demonstrating how the food chain works. They will be sure to spread the word to other schools about the help you have provided and this will enhance your attendance. You will need to set up an exhibit where a carnivore can hunt its prey.

Take a series of 2 pictures that show a predatory animal:

Hunting its prey
Catching its prey

Possible Responses:
Your photographs really helped the students grasp the concept of the food chain and they were totally engrossed during the class on the subject.

Your photographs really helped the students understand what the food chain is all about.

Building Design
Difficulty: Easy

Zoo Design, Inc. is running a trade piece on maximizing guest amenities and is particularly interested in your zoo's offerings. They will mention your zoo in their article, boosting your zoo fame, if you provide them with pictures of some of your amenities. You will need to photograph the following amenities:

Gift Cart
Kangaroo Bouncy Ride
Small Restroom
Any Food Stand

Possible Responses:
Your photographs were used by Zoo Design, Inc. to demonstrate excellent use of guest amenities with full credit given to your zoo for creative designs. Guests are sure to be impressed by the accolades received by your zoo in this trade article and your fame will increase as a result.

The photographs showed off your excellent guest amenities and boosted your zoo fame.

Gardening Society Demonstration
Difficulty: Easy

The Gardening Society is interested in your display of plant life and has asked you to make a presentation about the foliage in your park. They will pay you $2000 for your appearance. To support your presentation, you will need 4 photographs of plant life from 4 different regions of the world, where each picture shows the foliage displayed in its appropriate biome. The presentation will increase public awareness by appealing to an audience that may not be aware that your zoo offers more than just animals.

You'll need foliage from the Savannah, Tropical Rainforest, Boreal Forest and the Alpine biomes.

You need to provide the following photos:
Baobab: Savannah biome, Africa
Kapok: Tropical Rainforest, South America
Tamarack: Boreal Forest, North America
Himalayan Pine: Alpine, China

Possible Responses:
Your foliage presentation was a huge success. With standing room only crowds, a second session was added to your schedule and your fee was doubled. You've received $4000!

Your foliage presentation was a hit and your fee was doubled to $4000!

National Zoo Association Contest
Difficulty: Moderate

The National Zoo Association is running a contest among all member zoos and will award all participants with a $5,000 grant. They have requested 2 pictures of rare zoo events. Specifically they are looking for a photo of any animal baby with its mother and any animal making use of an enrichment object.

Possible Responses:
Your photographs of hard to capture zoo events like a baby animal with its mother and an animal using an enrichment object have earned you a $5,000 grant!

Your photos of hard to capture zoo events have earned you a $5,000 grant!

Center for Animal Conservation
Difficulty: Moderate

The Center for Animal Conservation has issued an open contest to obtain pictures of endangered animals. Winners will receive the Animal Conservation Image Award and a cash bonus of $15,000. The required animals are: Bengal Tiger, Snow Leopard, Mountain Gorilla, and Grizzly Bear.

Possible Responses:

Your photographs of endangered animals were magnificent and earned first place. You have won $15,000 and the Animal Conservation Image Award!

Your photos of endangered animals have earned you $15,000 and the Animal Conservation Image Award!

Scientific Journal Follow-up Article
Difficulty: Moderate

You have been approached by the scientific journal for a second series of pictures on the Dromedary Camel, Gemsbok and the Thomson's Gazelle. They will pay you $1500 per picture for photographs that capture these animals performing specific activities.

Capture these animals performing the following activities:

A Dromedary Camel grooming another camel
A Gemsbok sleeping in the shade
A Thomson's Gazelle greeting another gazelle

Possible Responses:
The scientific journal was pleased with the latest round of pictures and has paid you your $4500 fee.

Your second batch of Even-Toed Ungulate pictures has earned you $4500.

Unfortunately the deadline for the second batch of Even-Toed Ungulate pictures has expired.

El Bistro Magazine
Difficulty: Moderate

El Bistro Magazine wants a unique angle for an upcoming issue and would like to feature photographs of animals eating from interesting containers. They have requested photographs of a cheetah, a reticulated giraffe, and a ring-tailed lemur eating from specific food containers and will pay you $2000 per photo.

Provide the following photographs:

A cheetah eating meat from an artificial carcass
A reticulated giraffe eating branches from a browse holder
A ring-tailed lemur eating from an elevated food dish

Possible Responses:
El Bistro Magazine was thrilled with your photographs. The cheetah eating meat from the artificial carcass was a perfect backdrop for the serving suggestions for BBQ ribs! And the browse holder made the presentation of the salad course an interesting feature by itself.

Your photos of animals eating from interesting containers earned you $6000!

Animal Enrichment
Difficulty: Challenging

A national conference has scheduled a session on the topic of psychological stimulation for animals in captivity. You have been offered a spot on the interactive panel segment and have been asked to provide photographs to support the discussion. You will be paid $20,000 if you participate and provide photographs of the required animals interacting with specific enrichment objects.

Capture photographs of the following animals:

A Polar Bear using a car tire
An African Elephant using the easel
A Bengal Tiger lying on a heated rock
A Black Rhinoceros playing with a pursuit ball

Possible Responses:
Your participation in the interactive panel segment on the topic of psychological stimulation for animals in captivity was extremely polished. The spectacular photos of your animals performing interesting actions was a great demonstration of animals achieving enrichment from unusual objects. You received a $20,000 fee for your appearance.

Your photos of animals using interesting object were a polished addition to your conference participation! You received a $20,000 fee for your appearance.

Animal Instincts
Difficulty: Challenging

A group of ethologists will be visiting your zoo to further their studies of animal instinctual behaviors. To help make their visit more time efficient, they have asked you to capture images of certain behaviors. If you can accommodate their request, they'll share their knowledge of animal behaviors with your guests and boost your zoo fame. You will need to capture photographs of ring-tailed lemurs, a pride of lions, ostriches and reticulated giraffes.

Capture photographs of the following animal behaviors:

A ring-tailed lemur grooming another lemur, satisfying social and hygienic instincts
A pride of lions consisting of one adult male, three females and one young lion
An ostrich doing a mating dance
A young giraffe calling to its mother

Possible Responses:
The ethologists were amazed to see the range of behaviors that your animals performed and were delighted to share their knowledge with your guests. They found their visit so productive that they stayed twice as long as they expected. Your zoo guests enjoyed the additional information about animal instincts immensely and you have received a boost to zoo fame.

The ethologists' visit was a huge success and your guests really enjoyed learning more about the animals.

Wildlife Photography Lesson
Difficulty: Easy

The Alfred Windsor School of Photography would like you to provide them with a photo to use as a sample during the wildlife photography segment of their curriculum. They need only one photograph, but to make it more interesting for the students, they would like it to be a snapshot that contains at least two animals. In return for this photograph, they will present you with the Alfred Windsor Photography Award of Merit that you can display as an example of your efforts to help the community. You will also receive a $2000 licensing fee.

Possible Responses:
Your photo of two animals was exceptionally detailed. It was a great example of brilliant wildlife photography. The Alfred Windsor School of Photography has licensed your wildlife photo for $2000 and has presented you with the Alfred Windsor Photography Award of Merit.

The Alfred Windsor School of Photography licensed your wildlife photo for $2000 and presented you with the Alfred Windsor Photography Award of Merit.

Beckenspot Primate Photographs
Difficulty: Challenging

A school group will be taking a field trip sponsored by the Beckenspot Charitable Foundation to visit the primates in your zoo. The Foundation would like souvenir photos to give to each of the students as a reminder of their visit. They have asked you to provide specific photos of Mountain Gorillas and Chimpanzees. In return for your efforts, they will present you with the Beckenspot Charitable Foundation Photographic Portfolio Award at a black tie awards ceremony recognizing benefactors of the Foundation. The publicity you will receive at this well-heeled event will provide a significant boost to your attendance.

Photograph the following animals:

Photograph a mountain gorilla chuckling
Photograph a male mountain gorilla calling to his troop
Photograph a chimpanzee using the monkey bars
Photograph a chimpanzee climbing a tree

Possible Responses:
The Beckenspot Charitable Foundation was grateful for the pictures you were able to provide. The visit was a success and the Foundation really promoted your zoo at their black tie gala. Earning the Beckenspot Charitable Foundation Photographic Portfolio Award is an impressive achievement. The benefactors of the Foundation have all indicated they will be making a special trip to your facility. The benefits to your attendance and donation collections will be significant.

The Beckenspot Charitable Foundation presented you with the Beckenspot Charitable Foundation Photographic Portfolio Award. The publicity you have received among the benefactors of the Foundation will boost your attendance and donation collections

Offline casey

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Photo challenges
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2005, 07:56:33 PM »
Posted by: Quivaz Nov. 20 2004, 08:06 AM
Photo Challanges v.1
a general listing of different challanges you may be asked to complete:

Marketing Brochure
Difficulty: Easy

The marketing department is preparing a new zoo brochure and has requested pictures of the following:

A guest holding an ice cold soda
A guest sitting on a bench

Providing these pictures will help improve your zoo fame as flyers promoting your zoo begin to circulate around your community.

Possible Responses:
Marketing has received your pictures of a guest drinking an ice cold soda and a guest sitting on a bench. The new glossy brochure has been distributed around your community and news of your zoo is spreading rapidly!

Great pictures! Your completed brochure will have a positive impact on zoo fame.

Scientific Journal
Difficulty: Easy

You have been approached by a scientific journal writing an educational piece about Even-Toed Ungulates (Artiodactyls). They have requested 3 specific pictures for their article and have offered you $750 per picture. If you can provide a picture of a Dromedary Camel, a Gemsbok and a Thomson's Gazelle, you will be paid $2250. The publicity will also provide a bonus to your zoo fame.

Possible Responses:
The journal loved your photos! You have been paid $2250 for the photos and you are sure to gain increased popularity as a result of the published article.

Your photos will really enhance the piece on even-toed ungulates.

Zoo News Monthly
Difficulty: Moderate

Zoo News Monthly wants to run an article on your zoo but needs pictures to back up their story. Once you provide the photos, they can run the news piece which will have a positive impact on your attendance for the next 3 months that the issue is displayed on the news stands. They are looking for photos of:

A jaguar swimming in the water
An ibex resting in a stable
A moose rubbing its antlers on a tree

Possible Responses:
The Zoo News article looks fantastic and the photos were so impressive that your zoo has gotten a mention on the magazine cover! Your attendance is sure to get a boost while the magazine stays on the news stands.

Your photos were fantastic. Your zoo was given a cover mention on Zoo News Monthly's magazine cover!

High School Class Demonstration
Difficulty: Challanging

The local high school is currently studying the concept of the food chain. They would like to demonstrate this concept to the class and have asked if you can provide a sequence of pictures demonstrating how the food chain works. They will be sure to spread the word to other schools about the help you have provided and this will enhance your attendance. You will need to set up an exhibit where a carnivore can hunt its prey.

Take a series of 2 pictures that show a predatory animal:

Hunting its prey
Catching its prey

Possible Responses:
Your photographs really helped the students grasp the concept of the food chain and they were totally engrossed during the class on the subject.

Your photographs really helped the students understand what the food chain is all about.

Building Design
Difficulty: Easy

Zoo Design, Inc. is running a trade piece on maximizing guest amenities and is particularly interested in your zoo's offerings. They will mention your zoo in their article, boosting your zoo fame, if you provide them with pictures of some of your amenities. You will need to photograph the following amenities:

Gift Cart
Kangaroo Bouncy Ride
Small Restroom
Any Food Stand

Possible Responses:
Your photographs were used by Zoo Design, Inc. to demonstrate excellent use of guest amenities with full credit given to your zoo for creative designs. Guests are sure to be impressed by the accolades received by your zoo in this trade article and your fame will increase as a result.

The photographs showed off your excellent guest amenities and boosted your zoo fame.

Gardening Society Demonstration
Difficulty: Easy

The Gardening Society is interested in your display of plant life and has asked you to make a presentation about the foliage in your park. They will pay you $2000 for your appearance. To support your presentation, you will need 4 photographs of plant life from 4 different regions of the world, where each picture shows the foliage displayed in its appropriate biome. The presentation will increase public awareness by appealing to an audience that may not be aware that your zoo offers more than just animals.

You'll need foliage from the Savannah, Tropical Rainforest, Boreal Forest and the Alpine biomes.

You need to provide the following photos:
Baobab: Savannah biome, Africa
Kapok: Tropical Rainforest, South America
Tamarack: Boreal Forest, North America
Himalayan Pine: Alpine, China

Possible Responses:
Your foliage presentation was a huge success. With standing room only crowds, a second session was added to your schedule and your fee was doubled. You've received $4000!

Your foliage presentation was a hit and your fee was doubled to $4000!

National Zoo Association Contest
Difficulty: Moderate

The National Zoo Association is running a contest among all member zoos and will award all participants with a $5,000 grant. They have requested 2 pictures of rare zoo events. Specifically they are looking for a photo of any animal baby with its mother and any animal making use of an enrichment object.

Possible Responses:
Your photographs of hard to capture zoo events like a baby animal with its mother and an animal using an enrichment object have earned you a $5,000 grant!

Your photos of hard to capture zoo events have earned you a $5,000 grant!

Center for Animal Conservation
Difficulty: Moderate

The Center for Animal Conservation has issued an open contest to obtain pictures of endangered animals. Winners will receive the Animal Conservation Image Award and a cash bonus of $15,000. The required animals are: Bengal Tiger, Snow Leopard, Mountain Gorilla, and Grizzly Bear.

Possible Responses:

Your photographs of endangered animals were magnificent and earned first place. You have won $15,000 and the Animal Conservation Image Award!

Your photos of endangered animals have earned you $15,000 and the Animal Conservation Image Award!

Scientific Journal Follow-up Article
Difficulty: Moderate

You have been approached by the scientific journal for a second series of pictures on the Dromedary Camel, Gemsbok and the Thomson's Gazelle. They will pay you $1500 per picture for photographs that capture these animals performing specific activities.

Capture these animals performing the following activities:

A Dromedary Camel grooming another camel
A Gemsbok sleeping in the shade
A Thomson's Gazelle greeting another gazelle

Possible Responses:
The scientific journal was pleased with the latest round of pictures and has paid you your $4500 fee.

Your second batch of Even-Toed Ungulate pictures has earned you $4500.

Unfortunately the deadline for the second batch of Even-Toed Ungulate pictures has expired.

El Bistro Magazine
Difficulty: Moderate

El Bistro Magazine wants a unique angle for an upcoming issue and would like to feature photographs of animals eating from interesting containers. They have requested photographs of a cheetah, a reticulated giraffe, and a ring-tailed lemur eating from specific food containers and will pay you $2000 per photo.

Provide the following photographs:

A cheetah eating meat from an artificial carcass
A reticulated giraffe eating branches from a browse holder
A ring-tailed lemur eating from an elevated food dish

Possible Responses:
El Bistro Magazine was thrilled with your photographs. The cheetah eating meat from the artificial carcass was a perfect backdrop for the serving suggestions for BBQ ribs! And the browse holder made the presentation of the salad course an interesting feature by itself.

Your photos of animals eating from interesting containers earned you $6000!

Animal Enrichment
Difficulty: Challenging

A national conference has scheduled a session on the topic of psychological stimulation for animals in captivity. You have been offered a spot on the interactive panel segment and have been asked to provide photographs to support the discussion. You will be paid $20,000 if you participate and provide photographs of the required animals interacting with specific enrichment objects.

Capture photographs of the following animals:

A Polar Bear using a car tire
An African Elephant using the easel
A Bengal Tiger lying on a heated rock
A Black Rhinoceros playing with a pursuit ball

Possible Responses:
Your participation in the interactive panel segment on the topic of psychological stimulation for animals in captivity was extremely polished. The spectacular photos of your animals performing interesting actions was a great demonstration of animals achieving enrichment from unusual objects. You received a $20,000 fee for your appearance.

Your photos of animals using interesting object were a polished addition to your conference participation! You received a $20,000 fee for your appearance.

Animal Instincts
Difficulty: Challenging

A group of ethologists will be visiting your zoo to further their studies of animal instinctual behaviors. To help make their visit more time efficient, they have asked you to capture images of certain behaviors. If you can accommodate their request, they'll share their knowledge of animal behaviors with your guests and boost your zoo fame. You will need to capture photographs of ring-tailed lemurs, a pride of lions, ostriches and reticulated giraffes.

Capture photographs of the following animal behaviors:

A ring-tailed lemur grooming another lemur, satisfying social and hygienic instincts
A pride of lions consisting of one adult male, three females and one young lion
An ostrich doing a mating dance
A young giraffe calling to its mother

Possible Responses:
The ethologists were amazed to see the range of behaviors that your animals performed and were delighted to share their knowledge with your guests. They found their visit so productive that they stayed twice as long as they expected. Your zoo guests enjoyed the additional information about animal instincts immensely and you have received a boost to zoo fame.

The ethologists' visit was a huge success and your guests really enjoyed learning more about the animals.

Wildlife Photography Lesson
Difficulty: Easy

The Alfred Windsor School of Photography would like you to provide them with a photo to use as a sample during the wildlife photography segment of their curriculum. They need only one photograph, but to make it more interesting for the students, they would like it to be a snapshot that contains at least two animals. In return for this photograph, they will present you with the Alfred Windsor Photography Award of Merit that you can display as an example of your efforts to help the community. You will also receive a $2000 licensing fee.

Possible Responses:
Your photo of two animals was exceptionally detailed. It was a great example of brilliant wildlife photography. The Alfred Windsor School of Photography has licensed your wildlife photo for $2000 and has presented you with the Alfred Windsor Photography Award of Merit.

The Alfred Windsor School of Photography licensed your wildlife photo for $2000 and presented you with the Alfred Windsor Photography Award of Merit.

Beckenspot Primate Photographs
Difficulty: Challenging

A school group will be taking a field trip sponsored by the Beckenspot Charitable Foundation to visit the primates in your zoo. The Foundation would like souvenir photos to give to each of the students as a reminder of their visit. They have asked you to provide specific photos of Mountain Gorillas and Chimpanzees. In return for your efforts, they will present you with the Beckenspot Charitable Foundation Photographic Portfolio Award at a black tie awards ceremony recognizing benefactors of the Foundation. The publicity you will receive at this well-heeled event will provide a significant boost to your attendance.

Photograph the following animals:

Photograph a mountain gorilla chuckling
Photograph a male mountain gorilla calling to his troop
Photograph a chimpanzee using the monkey bars
Photograph a chimpanzee climbing a tree

Possible Responses:
The Beckenspot Charitable Foundation was grateful for the pictures you were able to provide. The visit was a success and the Foundation really promoted your zoo at their black tie gala. Earning the Beckenspot Charitable Foundation Photographic Portfolio Award is an impressive achievement. The benefactors of the Foundation have all indicated they will be making a special trip to your facility. The benefits to your attendance and donation collections will be significant.

The Beckenspot Charitable Foundation presented you with the Beckenspot Charitable Foundation Photographic Portfolio Award. The publicity you have received among the benefactors of the Foundation will boost your attendance and donation collections