Author Topic: Mysterious Panda  (Read 17614 times)

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Offline Bengal

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Mysterious Panda
« Reply #100 on: August 10, 2005, 07:19:02 AM »
Make sure you have all animals available in almost perfect exhibits that resemble their natural habitat. Have educators and their podiums spread through out your zoo, objects to provide amusement for the guests.

Offline RedNotDead

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« Reply #101 on: August 10, 2005, 07:24:19 AM »
also although it costs money make sure all your research is done because you get extra fame points for that also release as many animals as possible into the wild to get more fame points until that bar is filled up

things that increase your fame

number of animals
number of species
happy animals
exhibits that eductae (biome- appropraite exhibit so if you made the exhibt when yo onlyt had 1 or 2 stars so back and see what you can add to itin the way of more trees, plants and rocks that wernt there before)
entertaining animals - guests like rare and exotic animals that are happy and healthy
happy guests
releasling animlas in to the wild
completing challenges (although there arnt available in the scenerios until you complete the scenrio :rofl)

Offline kiwibuddy

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« Reply #102 on: August 11, 2005, 02:26:02 PM »
Originally posted by Friend@Jan 30 2005, 10:59 PM
I had no problems completing that scenario. as soon as i got Li Ming they mated 3 times  :blink:  but only on the 3rd time did she become pregnant ;)
Only three times until she finally got pregnant!? Jeez, my pandas did it about 10 times and Mi Ling finally got pregnant!  :shocked

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« Reply #103 on: August 12, 2005, 03:01:11 PM »
This a negative about this game, is this scenario, the 'Mysterious Panda'.

It should be called the 'Bugged Panda'. :P

Offline Nightshade

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« Reply #104 on: August 15, 2005, 01:58:33 PM »
For me, Mi Ling got pregnant after the first time.  
But, I'm having panda problems. :angry

Every time she is giving birth, the game freezes up and an error report box pops up.  I restarted three times and every time she was about to give birth, the game freezed up.  I have no idea why. :blink

Did this ever happen to any of you? :huh

Offline Nightshade

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« Reply #105 on: August 19, 2005, 12:40:47 PM »
Okay, i asked this in another topic, but no one has looked at it for a while.

In the mysterius panda campaign, y'know, when Mi Ling gives birth, and your supposed to win the senario, my game freezes up and an error report that says: zoo tycoon has encountered a problem, blah blah blah...  Well, I've done everything to restart the game to restart the comp, and every single time the senario comes to that point, the game freezes up.  :angry  I've tried and re-tried it like, ten times or so.  Please help!!! :(  :sad

Offline panda11

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« Reply #106 on: August 20, 2005, 06:35:36 AM »
If that happens then you should just restsrt the scenario instead of reloading that saved game scenario. if it crashes at the end, it means the files corupted.

Offline Nightshade

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« Reply #107 on: August 20, 2005, 06:47:21 AM »
Aw, shucks, that means i have to do the entire senario over agian? :sad   Ah, well, no big deal i suppose.  :mellow Thanx, panda11! :happy

Offline martin1990

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« Reply #108 on: August 23, 2005, 07:23:23 AM »
ow thats anoying!

Offline Zoo

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« Reply #109 on: August 23, 2005, 02:52:40 PM »
I have attempted this scenario twice, IT KEEPS FREEZING!

GRRRRR!!!! :angry

Offline martin1990

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« Reply #110 on: August 24, 2005, 02:46:15 AM »
how frustrating!

Offline kryten

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« Reply #111 on: August 24, 2005, 03:31:29 PM »
Hopefully this is something that M$ and BF will address with Endangered Species  :(


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« Reply #112 on: August 24, 2005, 03:59:53 PM »
I never got that problem. But my problem is that when you press space to clean up bird poop (they make alot) i click the spacebar key too much, then sometimes it freezes for a while, and sometimes it even saids "Sorry for the inconveince. Blah blah blah." That happens in every scenerio when i have birds :(

Offline Tigeress_10

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« Reply #113 on: September 04, 2005, 06:10:39 AM »
Never, I mean never get birds. Oh boy. :angry They just sit around and poop. Then they complain they are hungry/thristy etc. beacause they were to busy making thier exhibit really dirty to satisfy thier needs. :><

I have atemped this one. It's really hard! My advice is: When you begin, fence off the pathway you have. Then make the place at the edge of the path the food court. Start making the exhibits on the outside of the foodcourt, so the guests are fenced in and can only see the exhibits on the outside, not the ones further back. This will save money on paths! I'm doing this and curently have a nice profit and three and a half starts. Also, NEVER LEAVE THE PANDAS. I'm serious, just watch them, and keep watching....until she gives birth. Another thing--mix exhibits as often as you can to save fence $$$! One more thing.....
Once you get more popular animals, release the animals you started out with to the wild and replace them with the other animals. Do this only for the exhibits that the guests can see.

Hope those tips helped! :)

Offline spike164uk

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« Reply #114 on: September 04, 2005, 06:44:52 AM »
I cant be bothered with this lvl, but need the Mysterious Panda statue so am trying to do it. I find that if you just walk around with the spacebar held down it saves a lot of time and i've never had it freeze this way like it does when your clicking. :happy

Offline adam1990

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« Reply #115 on: October 23, 2005, 07:47:00 AM »
I finally took the time to beat this scenerio.  It was pretty fun, but I didn't find it very hard.  I was surprised that my game didn't freeze.

Offline Koala Komander

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« Reply #116 on: October 23, 2005, 07:02:25 PM »
i cheatd.i used the hack DL. no matter how hard i try every panda attempts and fails each time.

Offline adam1990

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« Reply #117 on: October 26, 2005, 01:49:50 PM »
I was going to cheat, but I didn't want to, so I ended up beating the scenerio. The Woverton Animal Rehab Center seems harder. (Haven't beaten it yet.)

Offline Red-Panda-Freak

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« Reply #118 on: December 21, 2005, 09:43:01 AM »
I can get up to five stars, and get the male panda, and even get the two to breed, but as soon as the message in the message window pops up saying that she has given birth, the game quits out.  I can't figure out why!  help! :(

Offline Bielski

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Mysterious Panda
« Reply #119 on: December 21, 2005, 12:13:25 PM »
Merging with the topic we already have on this scenario. Mayb you will find the answer here too  ;)