Author Topic: Bugs in Zoo tycoon 2  (Read 51295 times)

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Offline starstruck_disaster

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Bugs in Zoo tycoon 2
« Reply #225 on: June 09, 2006, 02:06:31 PM »
I hope this hasn't been said already, but...

Every 3'rd or 4'th time I'll be placing Jeep tracks, the game will shutdown and error out. I know it's the tracks that are causing it, because I've tested it on a zoo where nothing else was placed.

Offline HAL9000

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Bugs in Zoo tycoon 2
« Reply #226 on: June 09, 2006, 02:20:33 PM »
Nightshade, I had the checker board promlem also.  I fixed it by updating my graphics card.

Offline Radar

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Bugs in Zoo tycoon 2
« Reply #227 on: June 09, 2006, 02:36:34 PM »
Quote from: Rynows
Nightshade, I had the checker board promlem also.  I fixed it by updating my graphics card.

I agree, most of those problems have to do with your graphics card, the only bugs I get is when one thing* interacts with another one or with objects, buildings, trees, etc.

*thing: what I mean by thing is animal or guest

Offline Nightshade

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Bugs in Zoo tycoon 2
« Reply #228 on: June 09, 2006, 03:02:09 PM »
Quote from: alloy61
I've had Javan rhinos disappear before - it was because I'd put the shelter against the outer wall of the zoo - there's a bug where the animal comes out of the back of the shelter regardless if there's a fence (or in my case the wall) in the way.

As such my rhinos appeared outside the walls of the zoo and promptly escaped...

yea, that happens to all my animals, but that wasn't the case.  there wasn't any message that said 'javan rhino has escaped' or whatever.  there always is in all my other cases.  i hope blue fang/microsoft comes out with a fix for all these bugs soon...: :( :
OH i thought of another bug.  i often have headless guests, or bodiless guests, or invisable guests or animals. one time i had the hide guests button turned on, and it hid the guests bodies but not their heads.  and sometimes they just randomly lose their head.  AND sometimes when the hide guest button is turned off, and ur supposed to be able to see ur guests, some are invisable.  i found this out by accident. i clicked on one of my angry guests and they were invisable. :blink:

Offline Radar

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Bugs in Zoo tycoon 2
« Reply #229 on: June 10, 2006, 12:23:41 AM »
I never got invisile animals :huh:  I get messed up guest alot and zookeepers are the worst they like are always bodyless :pinch:

Offline world

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Bugs in Zoo tycoon 2
« Reply #230 on: June 10, 2006, 06:10:43 PM »
Quote from: alloy61
I've had Javan rhinos disappear before - it was because I'd put the shelter against the outer wall of the zoo - there's a bug where the animal comes out of the back of the shelter regardless if there's a fence (or in my case the wall) in the way.

this happens to me with any animal if i put there shelter against any wall at all(perimeter fence and exhibit)just the animal wont dissapear.If they come out of the through the exhibit fence then a message pops up" so-and-so is not contained.Guests will not...."if they go out of the zoo wall theyll just be walking around outside the zoo and eventually walk back through the zoo wall.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2006, 12:05:51 PM by alloy61 »

Offline woofpak

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Bugs in Zoo tycoon 2
« Reply #231 on: July 16, 2006, 04:22:43 PM »
I too am finding guests in my exhibits for no reason (all fenced)-I will have to double check & see if it is just my sunken exhibits (the most recent I noticed).  This has been happening since I added the AA expansion pack.  I don't recall that I had this problem before.

Also having the animals cross into each other's exhibits.  I use both combined fence & cliff/mts. to create my exhibits.  This also noticable since adding the AA pack.

Offline Nightshade

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Bugs in Zoo tycoon 2
« Reply #232 on: July 16, 2006, 06:21:30 PM »
Quote from: woofpak
I too am finding guests in my exhibits for no reason (all fenced)-I will have to double check & see if it is just my sunken exhibits (the most recent I noticed).  This has been happening since I added the AA expansion pack.  I don't recall that I had this problem before.

Also having the animals cross into each other's exhibits.  I use both combined fence & cliff/mts. to create my exhibits.  This also noticable since adding the AA pack.

Yeah, i have that problem too.  I don't have AA (yet, i entered a contest to win up to 35 bucks, so i'll be getting it soon...*rubs hands with glee*), but i've been having the guests in exhibits and animals getting into other exhibits problem.  In fact, i was just playing it today, and there were guests spazzing out over animals that were in their exhibits, and there were guests inside the grison exhibit.  the zookeeper was tranquilizing animals, too.  i checked the fences, and they were fine.  Also, i had a orincanoco (??) croc get into the neighboring exhibit.  of course, this may be because they are downloaded animals with slight bugs, but who knows.  I also had a message that said that a grison was not contained but it was, and it was a cheetah who was out and a message didn't pop up for it.  also, zookeepers say they can't get to the poo, and i put them right next to it, and they still say they can't get to it.  aaaaaannnnnddddd....i have guests who get 'trapped' in 'i can't find anything to do' mode.  they just stand there, but don't get angry.  they just.....stand there.  and i move them somewhere else, and they just sit there.  it's getting annoying.:angry:

Offline sheltiefan

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Bugs in Zoo tycoon 2
« Reply #233 on: July 25, 2006, 11:42:05 PM »
About the guests entering exhibits and animals getting out I've found that (atleast for me) this happens for three reasons. One is that the person or animal will become trapped behind and object directly infront of a fence and are then pushed though the fence and into or out the exhibit. Two is that (this was already mentioned) the animal will enter a shelter against a fence and then be able to go through the fence from the shelter back wall. Third is something that occurs in the game called "skipping" (as far as I can recall). When you scroll away from and back to an area the animals & people are for some reason moved around differently than the stationary ground and objects (keep in mind I may be off on my discription as I don't really understand this glitch but I believe it was well explained somewhere else on the site).

Offline cheetahgirl

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Quirky Bugs
« Reply #234 on: January 13, 2007, 01:33:48 PM »
Ok, i have a really weird what i call glitch.  Within a week or two of playing the game, something changed and now, when i go to the downloads page i cannot see the download link, it is covered up by that slightly different shade of green and I have not been able to see it ever since. I didn't do anything to the best of my knowledge to change anything, i just opened it and it was like that. Its very annoying.  I got a new computer a few weeks ago and installed zt2 and endangered species again and its already like that again.  I can't seem to fix it.  A new problem  i noticed that I did not have before, is when I am in a zoo, I will start scrolling and I will get black and if i'm lucky colored patches over the area in sight.  The farther back in the zoo i get, the worse it gets, the closer to the entrance I am the better it is.  I have no idea what caused this but I won't really be playing often if I can't get this problem resolved.  Sorry if I posted this on the wrong board(I already did that once) and sorry if it has been answered.  I have Windows XP Home Edition and 78.8GB free space 740MB RAM of memory a pheonix BIOS (whatever that is) and an AMD Athlon Processor.  The patch is in the process of being downloaded in case i don't have it ( i think i do though)

Offline ladygreeneyes

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Various Bugs
« Reply #235 on: January 23, 2007, 12:22:13 AM »
I have seen a lot of the bugs mentioned in here myself, playing the game on two different systems, and irregardless of whether there were expansion packs installed.  The keepers will often not feed the animals like they should, and are resting many times when the message comes up that the animal can't find food.  Also, the keepers are really bad about not being able to reach poop that is right in the open.  Maintenance workers NEVER tough the recycling bins, even if they are overflowing and you drop several workers right at the bin.  These bins are not blocked, but they won't touch them.  The game does freeze, and did with no expansions, and also with expansions (have all now but the MM one - won't buy till they fix this issue!!).  Not only does the game freeze, but it lags terribly, no matter where I set the graphics, and no matter what else is running.  This is a serious bug, and had killed all enjoyment of the game for me.  I now play the first one, which had almost no bugs that I could see (not to mention all the cool little cheats and easter eggs that they left out of the ZT2 for some reason!!).  I have noticed that this happens more often when I am building elevated paths, Jeep tracks, etc.  I have even had freezes during a save, which is very frustrating.  Even saving very few minutes doesn't help this.  With a more that adequate system for the requirements, and all other games with good graphics running just fine, I thing Microsoft should fix this one.  I have not seen the open gate issue myself, but can say for certain that the moose is a real escape artist, and tries very hard to get out no matter what you do.  Very high cliffs along three sides seem to work, and I do mean HIGH.  I have also seen guests get into exhibits where there was no logical way for them to do so, or even fall into a moat that had a fence around it.  Another guest issue I saw recently was a guest that was thinking that they could not see the animals from a certain point, even though there were no other guests blocking the view, the fence was easy to see through (checked in guest mode), and other guests had thoughts in that spot at other times that the animals looked happy or whatever.  All of these issues occurred with the basic game, the ES expansion, and still with the AA expansion.  All in all a very disappointing product.  Cool ideas, but if it won't work well enough to play, it isn't much fun.