Author Topic: Benefactors Tips  (Read 1570 times)

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Benefactors Tips
« on: June 11, 2006, 09:02:23 AM »
Posted by: Spiderghost Jan. 10 2004, 01:59 PM
This has always worked for me to gain benefactors. When your zoo is full and guest are just staying to long they are extremely happy with your zoo and they are potential benefactors. Raise your price of admission up quite a bit. For some reason some of the peeps who are already in the zoo will leave and since they like your zoo your benefactors count will rise a little quicker. This has another effect in that fewer peeps will come into your zoo and total peep counter will drop thus lowering concessions. You will however regain this lost money when your donations goes up to $20,000 a month or more. The other effect this has is it lowers the crowding and can make your animals happier which can effect your peep happiness. Just thought I'd share this little tidbit of info to those new to ZT.  

Posted by: Kentrosaurus Jan. 10 2004, 04:18 PM
I'd just Alfred Hitchcock the zoo to get all the people out.  

Posted by: pixel Jan. 10 2004, 06:41 PM
That's a really good tip Spiderghost ... I follow a similar strategy myself. I find the happier people are the more money they spend, so concessions don't always go down too much. (and while peeps are happy it's also a good time to raise concession prices a bit)  

Posted by: Spiderghost Jan. 10 2004, 07:00 PM
I'd just Alfred Hitchcock the zoo to get all the people out.
That doesn't get you benefactors.  

Posted by: Penguino Jan. 11 2004, 01:44 AM
It does; though the guests are screaming and yelling for all they're worth, their happiness isn't affected. When they leave, many of them will become benefactors.  

Posted by: caribou_caro Jan. 13 2004, 02:42 PM
That's true Spider, Penguino's right - Alfred H people will still be benefactors. But you have to put up with those birds for the duration of your game. Another easter egg that can help gain benefactors w/o affecting happiness - or causing great flocks of annoying birds - is the Boogyman rename. If you name an adult male Boogyman, any child getting close will run screaming out of your park. It doesn't affect their happiness, so many of them do become benefactors if you have a high level of guest happiness. Plus you don't lose your entire guest population. And if you decide you're sick of all the screaming, all you have to do is change the guy's name or do something to make him leave like dropping him in an exhibit. I tried that when I was doing tests for the competition awhile back and it worked pretty well, but cheats weren't allowed so I couldn't use that game. With Alfred H and a tiny zoo I once got over 100 benefactors in 5 minutes!  

Posted by: Kentrosaurus Jan. 13 2004, 04:23 PM
Actually, after a while the birds go away.  

Posted by: iwubu Jan. 14 2004, 01:05 PM
Thanks to everyone who posted tips on getting benefactors. I know, I for one, was very curious how you did this!  

Posted by: Iriri Jan. 14 2004, 01:33 PM
I was the one who first posted the strategy of using Alfred H to gain benefactors. It works like a charm so long as your guest happiness is high when you do it.
If you doubt us, give it a try and see for yourself.  

Posted by: Quivaz Jan. 19 2004, 12:12 AM
Neat! I never tried this or even thought of this. Although, I generally don't have time to actually play the game with the intent to make an awesome zoo! I have to try this sometime! Thanks.

Posted by: Crookshankz227 Jan. 19 2004, 08:52 AM
If you name an adult male rpro then the ladies all run out, they can be benefactors too.  

Posted by: caribou_caro Jan. 19 2004, 03:47 PM
Sorry Iriri, I should have known - you are one of THE ZTC authorities!  I forgot about rpro. I think I tried that rename once and it didn't work for me, I'll have to try again now that I have ZTCC.
Posted by: Bovidaeloony Feb. 8 2004, 03:42 PM
Another tip for gaining benefactors is to have exhibits right up against the entrance to the zoo, so people can see into them as soon as they step in the doors. Make sure you have a restraunt and a gift shop near the entrance, but have plenty of animals viewable from the first few squares. A lot of times guests will stop to look at the animals on their way out, and it'll boost their happiness anough in those last few seconds to make them a benefactor. That's the best way I've found to do it, outside of using a cheat. It's annoying- you get lots of benefactors using "alfred h", but he hurts concessions!  

Posted by: Firehawke Feb. 9 2004, 10:29 PM
I try to make sure that I built the zoo in parts. That way, guests will leave while you are still working on it and you can get some benefactors. Too much zoo all at once, and they will never leave!!!!!
I just have to remember that!!!!  

Posted by: LadyZookeeperNY Feb. 15 2004, 12:14 PM
I've never really known or noticed how I get benefactors, but I do get a good number of them depending on how old the zoo is and what map I'm using. However, I will try to remember to keep some animals near the entrance in the future to compare my results--thanks everyone!  

Posted by: orca master Feb. 21 2004, 10:31 PM
I use the boogyman and rpro cheat all the time(those are prettymuch the only cheats I use except the animal cheats)and it really does help gain benifactors. I actually did somthing funny with the boogyman cheat, I named the guy boogy man than I put him in the orca tank and the orcas attacted him than I placed him on the oppisite side of the zoo so than Mr. boogy man ran the lenth of the dry river map picking up followers as he whent.(kids that were afraid of him)so it was like a parade of people running for there life following the person they are afraid of.    (after the Boogyman ran out it was 5 minutes until the rest of the kids finished running uot of the park(I got 27 benifactors from that  ))  

Posted by: Necrotizing Spectre Feb. 21 2004, 10:41 PM
It does; though the guests are screaming and yelling for all they're worth, their happiness isn't affected. When they leave, many of them will become benefactors.
Funny, if I were screaming and yelling for all my worth my happiness would go straight downhill!  

Posted by: Firehawke Feb. 21 2004, 11:13 PM
It does; though the guests are screaming and yelling for all they're worth, their happiness isn't affected. When they leave, many of them will become benefactors.
I just started to use this cheat the other day. The birds and screaming drove me nuts! And I thought that the birds would never leave
I did get benefactors from the 2 times I've used it on a map I was working on. After a while, the numbers did drop off a bit, though.
It's a nice little way to get your numbers slowly, but surely up, though.  

Posted by: ptianyaox Jul. 2 2004, 06:11 PM

Posted by: bluekittySC Jul. 2 2004, 06:13 PM
A benefactor is a guest that gives money donations to the zoo after they leave.  

Posted by: ptianyaox Jul. 2 2004, 06:17 PM
THANX. I only had 2 in my 5-year-old zoo. I thought they were some sort of staff members. Obviously I didn't know what that meant.

Posted by: Firehawke Jul. 3 2004, 12:09 AM
If you get enough benefactors, your zoo doesn't feel the pains of paying off money at the beginning of each month. If a guest leaves with a really high happiness level, the more likely it is that they will become a benefactor. So have a lot of animals and a lot of scenery  

Posted by: Janey Dec. 20 2004, 10:45 PM
I just started a zoo and have 91 benefactors! I don't know how I got so many, unfortunatley. No tricks or anything, .  

Posted by: Firehawke Dec. 22 2004, 11:26 AM
You must have an awesome zoo!!! I currently have a zoo with 30+ benefactors. I have lots of animals/exhibits, few attractions, and a few restaurants.

Posted by: Spiderghost Feb 26 2005, 05:10 PM
 I just finished a zoo with 1313 benefactors. Oddly it took 13 years to do it and it was a small zoo with 13 exhibits.

Posted BY: Xtreme Feb 27 2005, 05:51 PM
The Alfred H cheat is hilarious at times. One time I had downloaded a huge zoo, and then set off the cheat, and watched the birds come in. For even more fun do the Alfred H cheat multiple times, and more birds will come! I did this and got 528 benefactors.

Posted BY: mo15 Feb 27 2005, 10:37 PM
I have heard that if you don't fence in the guy you renamed (rope fencing) and he runs out, then the cheat will never die out. If you want all of them to stop, just change the guest name again i think.