Author Topic: Help For WLP1  (Read 1384 times)

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Offline Flames The Dragon

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Help For WLP1
« on: December 15, 2006, 10:45:00 AM »
I just got WLP Gold and I really enjoy the game its great but there is a few things that I needed help with
1st.In sernios when I need a certin amoutn of guest I have it on free but in Small Animal Park I neede 20 I got 19 but no more guest are coming
2.My guest throw all the trash into my exibits and I have empty trash cans every where
3.My animals say they need more plain groung and there are no hills in it and everything is flat
4.My marine animals will stay in one spot and not move and starve
5.How can I make my marine mammal exibits the correct size for Balsasours it could be 1/5 of the park and its still not big enough
if any one could answer these questions thank you and if someone can help me get past these epect a S&T topic here

Offline kiwibuddy

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Help For WLP1
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2006, 08:35:53 AM »
Let me try to answer your questions. :original:

1. Aw man, I remember this scenario. And it IS possible. I built numberous animal houses to attract more guests and I'm not totally sure if I did this, but I think I lowered the prices on some food/drink stands. Just set the game speed on max and just wait.

2. Is this the Marine Animal Scenario by any chance? If so, there's a weird bug in the scenario where the trash man doesn't do his job automatically. Therefore, in order to keep you park clean, you HAVE to make him clean the trash. (Click on him and click the 'sweep trash' or something like that button, and click on the trash and he'l pick it up.

3. I used to have problems with this too. Plain ground is land that is flat, and doesn't have any trees, water, or other objects. Try deleting some trees or taking out some other objects. (Hint: To satisfy an animal's need for foilage, the plants don't have to be INSIDE of the exhibit. Just as long as their visible to the animals, then they will be happy. Try lining the exhibit with plants the animals like.)

4. Hm... I've had this bug before, however, I honestly don't know how to fix it. Sorry. : :( :

5. I almost never have basilosaurs in my zoo, how many of them do you have? Try this, make a big river that goes throughout the park with water filters, fish feeding devices, and put the basilosaurus in the river. Use the remaining land for animal exhibits and guest stuff.

Hope all of this helps. :thumbsup:

Offline Flames The Dragon

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Help For WLP1
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2006, 08:38:41 AM »
ok thank you kiwibuddy I only have one balisasour in zoos usually now off the WLP!