Treehouse School House > Tutorials

A Simple Flower

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If you do not see the .ZTD extension as in the last screenshot you will need to make the extensions visible. Open the windows control panel and click on folder options. I use windows 7 professional and I'm not sure how this would be displayed in Windows 10.

You'll see this additional window open with 3 tabs at the top.

Click on the "View" tab and look in the list for  "Hide extensions for known file types" if there is a check in the box to the left of this click it to remove the check mark and then click apply and ok to close it out and close control panel. Navigate back to your projects folder and you should now see the .ZTD extension for your file. Seeing these extension is important for being able to change the extension so we can extract the ZTD file contents.

Now that we have extensions visible it's time to move on to extracting our ZTD file so we can edit the ucs file and do some file clean up before moving on to rotations.

The first thing we need to do is to rename our ZTD file and change the extension from ZTD to Zip. the easiest way to do this is to right click on your ZTD file and select Rename.

As you can see when you click rename only the filemane is highlighted not the extension

So you need to click to the right of the "D" in the extension .ZTD

now just backspace out the "D" and the "T" and type in ip and hit Enter. Once you hit the enter key you will get a message like this

We want to change it and it won't hurt the file so just click yes.

We now have a zip file that can be extracted so we have the contents of the ZTD file to work with for our file cleaning and editing.

To open the zip file you can use a compression program such as 7zip or winzip or winrar. I have all 3 but you can also right click on the zip file and select "extract File here" in this screen you will see the winrar icons as at one time I always used winrar so it is associated with zip files.

With the file extracted we now have 2 new folders in our projects folder an objects folder and a scenery folder. We'll work with the objects folder first and do some file clean up.

Open the objects folder by either double clicking the folder or by expanding the file tree off to the left.

Inside the objects folder is a numbered folder this number represents the internal APE filename for your project. ZT will use this number ID with relation to your creation.

Open this numbered folder - we have 5 folders named idle, ne, nw, se, sw, and 2 files i.pal & willow.pal

We'll now work from the file tree on the left to make the next step a little faster

So in the tree to the left click on the idle folder to see it's contents. What we are looking for is to be sure we have 4 .pal files in this folder in addition to 4 files named for each of the 4 directions NE, NW, SE, & SW and an idle.ani file. We aren't going to do anything with these files just need to make sure we have 9 files in the folder. In this case we do.

next we are going to click on each of the direction folders 1 by 1 and make sure each folder has an "n" file, an N.pal file and an .ani file I have checked all 4 folders and we have all the needed files.

So now we click on the numbered folder in the file tree to the left again. You'll notice as above in the screen the first time we opened this number folder we have 2 additional files. An i.pal and a willow.pal. These 2 files represent the base object we used for our creation in this instance they represent the Globe Willow Tree. We have all the files we need in the idle and 4 direction folders so it is safe to delete these 2 files.

We now have a fairly clean file. Time to move on to the scenery folder. Inside the scenery folder there is a subfolder called other. Inside the other folder you'll find the ucs file. Navigate to the ucs file. You'll notice the ucs filename is the same as the numbered folder we have in the objects folder. Right click on the ucs file and choose open with. When the program selection window opens locate notepad or wordpad and choose one of them to open the file. To make it easier for me to show you what can be removed and where to make necessary changes I am just going to copy/paste my ucs file here. You'll find it just below the screenshot. I did the screenshot to show how there is a space at the top of page. This space will be deleted in our editing but there was no other way to show it was there.

Any lines that can be deleted will be colored Blue and any changes that need to be made will be colored Red changes made will be colored green.

if there is any blank space at the very top of your ucs file it needs to be removed so click in front of the starting bracket with the number and backspace so the brackets and number are at the very top of your ucs file. Sometimes if you have opened your file in ape to make any adjustments APE will add empty brackets at the top of your ucs like this

       - make sure you delete these empty brackets so your file begins with your bracketed APE ID number


Icon = objects/0FFA5030/SE/SE
Icon = objects/0FFA5030/SW/SW       nothing needs changing or adjusting in this section
Icon = objects/0FFA5030/NW/NW
Icon = objects/0FFA5030/NE/NE

habitatfoliage we are not going to use this tulip for an animal habitat this line can be removed

cAutoRotate = 1  this line is more personal preference I'm not a fan so I remove it.
cFootprintX = 1
cFootprintY = 1
cHabitat = 9411 - you would not find tulips in an animal exhibit animals would trample them so this needs to be changed to 9414
cHeight = 3  change to cHeight = 1 our flower sits relatively low to the ground so needs to be changed
cHelpID = 7028
cLocation = 9618 our cHabitat will be set to 9414 so this line can be deleted
cNameID = 19000
cPurchaseCost = 75
cUseNumbersInName = 0
cUsesTreeRubble = 1 this is also I feel personal preference do you want your creations to turn to rubble when trampled? if yes                         
                                leave this line as is in No change it to cUsesTreeRubble = 0

[Animations]  - we don't have any annimation to our file so this section we leave alone
idle = idle

v = 9503
v = 20
v = 9504
v = 20
v = 9505              - This we adjusted in the General Characteristics in APE so no need make any changes here
v = 20
v = 9506
v = 20

[defaultLCID]    - this is very important so it doesn't crash non english versions of zoo tycoon
LCID = 1033       if this section does not contain 1033 then you didn't reset the language in Ape make sure the number is 1033

Type = 0FFA5030   - this we leave alone no need to change anything

cGeneralInfoFileName = objects/0FFA5030/texts/1033.txt   - again as with above the number in this line must match with LCID and needs to be 1033
cLongHelp = Purchase a Tutorial Red Tulip. Guests will enjoy seeing the pretty tulips decorating your zoo.
cName = Tutorial Red Tulip
cTheString = the Tutorial Red Tulip

NOTE: in your cLongHelp, cName, & cTheString lines above make sure you correct any spelling and grammer and delete any blank lines below the line cTheString by using backsapce so your cursor is at the end of the cTheString line. with everything complete click File/Save to save your editied ucs file.

here is my edited and saved ucs file

Our file is cleaned up and with the above our ucs is complete and saved we are now ready to move on to zoot and do our rotation fixes.


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