Zoo Tycoon 2 > Strategies

Exhibit Building Strategies

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look out 21:

--- Quote from: tigerfreak428 on October 13, 2008, 06:42:44 PM ---Haha, yeah me too, but if someone is struggling with money...

$ Cha - Ching $
--- End quote ---
What if you cant even afford animals? Than what?
??? ??? ???

I would just delete the surounding trees.


--- Quote from: Gfh on October 14, 2008, 12:48:59 AM ---I would just put it some big breeders and sell the babies to get money.

--- End quote ---

How can you sell them? The only options I get are Put Up for Adoption and Release to the Wild. Neither gets me money.

Oh Yeah, I forgot, I haven`t played ZT2 in so long because my game won`t save.

The destruction of the surrounding trees, plants, and rocks is a GREAT way to get some money, just like Gfh said.


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