Administration Services > Zoo Tycoon Sites

ZT2 Designing Center


Our own Penguinman is this site's administrator and has done a great job along with the staff to create a great site for designers of ZT2 content. Want to learn how to creat files for ZT 2 this is the place to go for all of your information.

ZT2 Designing Center

The Y2J Problem:
I'm amember there. I enjoy 80% of Penguinmans work. 75% of my downloads are made by either Penguin Man or Mikaboshi.


The Designing Centre has just gone through a bit of a change; we've updated the theme, reorganized some forums, and made tutorials a lot more accessible and easier to navigate.

Along with this change, we've decided that even a site dedicated to "business" should have some time for play! We'll be starting some fantastic contests and games, and whether you are an expert coder, skinner, or mesher, or if you are just learning, we've got something fun planned for you all over the next couple of weeks!

We've just unveiled our first new event, Skinning Collage. Hop on over to the ZT2DC and check it out!

We have a new Object Contest running!

Head on over and check it out here!


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