Zoo Tycoon 2 > Scenerios & Challenges

Secratery Bird Scenario Help!!!!

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In Secretary Bird Challenge I could never even get the first two pictures (preening and flapping wings)because the secretary bird only flies and wanders and I could never complete it and was the only challenge I could not do :angry :angry help!!!!!

If I remeber correctly the way to do this is to not put any toys (enrichment items) into the exhibit, also have a large area of dirt which the bird needs in order to preen.  You also need to make sure that the keeper does not clean the bird becuase it will only preen when it gets dirty and it cleans itself by getting covered in dirt and then preening.

ok,I'll try

rednotdead is quite right.....plenty of dirt, i tend not to put the keeper in until after the photo for preening.....i seem to remember if you keep the camera on her from the start she does the preening pretty quickly....also getting her to play with the ball can be a problem....don't give her anything else to do !...cheers

Ok,but I've never gone past preening and flapping wings I never seen a secratery bird flapping wings how when do they do that.


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