Due to a recent discovery of copyright infringement by a well known long time member of the Zoo Tycoon Community Zoo Admin will no longer permit a guest to access the downloads site. Anyone wishing to download and obtain files from Zoo Admin must now register at the ZT1 downloads site using a valid email address.
As this infringement only involved ZT1 files I have left guest access st the ZT2 downloads site.
Any violation of a Zoo Admin hosted file copyright will not be tolerated. If you want to host a file from Zoo Admin on your own site if you are "not" the file creator you must first obtain written permission from the file's creator and be able to produce it upon request from the Zoo Admin Owner/Webmaster.
Copyrights are protected by laws in all countries and the Digital Millenium Copyrights Act(DMCA). I will not hesitate to file a take down notice to have hosted Zoo Admin files removed from sites that violate a creator's copyright.