There are suitability guides at ZTCDD and at ZTUF.
ZTCDD: used the one from ZTCDD. The T-Rex is meant to be alone. But I wanted 1 male and 1 female. So I doubled everything in that guide, creating a 400 grid square exhibit (using 20x20) surrounded by an electrified fence and containing 240 grid squares of Grass, 20 grid squares of Fresh Water, 100 grid squares of Gray Stone, 40 grid squares of Deciduous Floor, 20 grid squares filled with 4 Broadleaf Bushes, 48 of the smallest Small Rocks, 1 Dino Cave, and 10 elevated non-adjacent grid squares. In order to reduce the chance that the dinos will zap themselves with the fence, some people sink the exhibit. Instead of that, I used the required water, bushes, rocks, and cave to line the fence, except near the gate and cave entrance. After creating the exhibit, I put in 1 male T-Rex egg and 1 female T-Rex egg. I added 2 scientists and assigned them to the exhibit. After the eggs hatched, the exhibit was 100% suitable and they always stayed in the happiness range of 96-100.
As for "T-Rex training", Zoo Tycoon has a button where one can spend money to research things. Some things are for general research and some are for conservation. For the general research area, there is a "T-Rex" category. So you can turn off all of the other categories except that one and increase the research spending from 0 to 66 max. I was able to reach the above stats even before doing the research.