Zoo Tycoon > Knowledge Base
Why is my Game Crashing ?
There are 3 reasons your game can crash,
1. Corrupted file
2. Conflicting file
3. Too many files added
How do I fix it?
There is no easy way to fix it.
For corrupt or conflicting files
Remove all downloaded files from your updates folder if using Marine Mania (be sure you don't remove ingame files) or the dlupdates folder if you have Complete Collection.
Just move them using copy and paste to a folder on your desktop.
To find the corrupt/conflicting file
Add 1 file at a time starting ZT after each file until your game crashes. When your game crashes remove the last file you added and restart ZT to be sure it was that file. Make sure you remove using cut an paste and save it to your desktop so you can easily find it to report it in the downloads support forum so we can possibly get the file repaired.
Continue with adding 1 file at a time to be sure you have no other corrupt or conflicting files.
To Many Files
ZT has limits as to how many files it can handle. These limits include any files that came with the game and it's expansions.
DLL files - Approx 62 - these are found in the main Zoo Tycoon folder
ZTD files - Approx 360 - these are found in the updates folder for ZT, ZT + DD or the dlupdates foler for ZT + MM or ZTCC
To find out how many DLL files you have installed you have to manually count how many you have in the main Zoo Tycoon folder
To find out how many ZTD files you have in the updates or dlupdates folder is easier. Open windows explorer and navigate to your Zoo Tycoon folder
Right click on your dlupdates or updates folder and choose Properties. In the properties window it will tell you how many files you have instaled. If you have more then 360 then just remove some of the files you have added to bring it down to 360 and then restart ZT to see if you have fixed the crash issue.
There is a way to get around these limits in Zoo Tycoon. All of the large ZT sites ZA, ZKL, ZTUF, & ZTP offer combined files for download. There are also tutorials on how to combine ZTD files at most of the large ZT sites.
The ZT Commnity Downloads Directory has a listing of available combined DLL files HERE
For combined ZTD files you will find info in the listing for packs at the Downloads Directory or in special Combined Files areas at many of the ZT sites.
Also the following two articles might be useful
'List of ".dll" files with unique messages'
'Zoo Tycoon 1 Limits And Suggested Solutions',
'Known Conflicting Files'
Abbreviations for ZT sites
ZA - Zoo Admin
ZKL - Zookeeper's Lounge
ZTUF - Zoo Tycoon Unleashed Forums
ZTP or Tek - Zoo Tek Phoenix
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