Souvenirs & Gifts (Downloads) > Zoo Tycoon 2 Downloads
New Files Being Accepted
New files are now being accepted at Zoo Admin. Files submitted will be properly tested to be sure they are free of errors and will not cause problems when added to the game by other members.
Testing will take approximately 8 - 10 days or until a knowledgeable staff member can do the appropriate testing.
Please do no pester staff by posting "why hasn't my file been approved"
Once files have passed testing the file will be added to the proper downloads site.
ZT 1 files will be added to the ZT 1 Downloads Site
ZT 2 files will be dded to the ZT 2 Downloads Site
A post will be added here at ZA in the new files area of the downloads section with a link to the proper post at the downloads site.
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