Here are the rules for submitting your file to Zoo Admin.
1. All files must contain an Information Text file. This can be created using notepad or other text editing program.
Make sure you give credit to those creators who helped with any part of the file especially if you used someone else's file in the creation of yours. If you used another creators file be sure you have written permission from that creator and have it available in case the tester requests it. If you don't have written permission to use another creators file
DO NOT use them. That would be considered stealing of another creators work and is a banable offence here at ZA. Theft of any kind with regards to downloads will not be tolerated.
2.You must include a screenshot of your file in-game no larger then 800 x 600. This will be resized and used at the downloads site to add a picture of your file to the posting and for the Downloads Directory listing. If you know how to resize the screen yourself and wish to do so then the screen size needed for posts is 400 x 300.
3. You must include all files needed for your file to work. For ZT 2 creators this means you must include the z2f and any needed .dl file that goes with your ZT 2 submission.
4. You final file ready for submission must include all of the above mentioned elements and be in .zip format.
5. To help avoid problems with other files on the server please include your username in the final filename. An example of this would be -
Final zip file should include the following:
For ZT 2z2f file
dl file - if needed for zoopedia information to show.
Information text file
screenshot 800 x 600 or 400 x 300
For ZT 1ztd file
information text file
screenshot 800 x 600 or 400 x 300
IMPORTANT NOTE:Files submitted with missing items will take longer to test and approve. Please make sure you have included everything needed in your zip file before you submit your fie.
You must be a registered member of Zoo Admin to submitt a file for testing and release at our downloads site.