Author Topic: Holiday Tree Farm Scenario  (Read 11409 times)

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Offline ktesch

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Holiday Tree Farm Scenario
« on: July 08, 2009, 05:43:02 PM »

Does anybody here have the CC version of Zoo Tycoon? Have they completed the Holiday Tree Farm Scenario? How did they do the Food Court? I've tried this scenario repeatedly, with no results. I'm trying to do it so I can make a Reindeer exhibit too and get the Christmas Tree, even though only three animals are rquired. But, I haven't run across too many screenshots.


Offline Jay

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Re: Holiday Tree Farm Scenario
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2009, 01:28:24 AM »
ZA's ZT1 Download site has 2 saved games for that scenario:

Their screenshots have not been restored yet. For the first one, its screenshot was just a small part of the reindeer exhibit. Attached is the screenshot for the second one, which is a part of the zoo overview. It is small, but it might give you ideas.

Offline ktesch

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Re: Holiday Tree Farm Scenario
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2009, 09:49:57 AM »

Thank you. I have checked out both, but I'm missing an animal. Do you know how I can get a hold of the Pink Elephant? ZA has it, but it's not up yet. Do you have and can you send it to me please?



Offline Jay

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Re: Holiday Tree Farm Scenario
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2009, 04:42:26 AM »
I assume that is the TycRes Pink Elephant. That is available at the ZA ZT1 downloads site:

Offline ktesch

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Re: Holiday Tree Farm Scenario
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2009, 08:06:54 AM »

Firehawke's post doesn't say anything about any user made animals or objects, but somebody else's (Marga's, whose zoo I'm working on now) does, do you know what he/she might have used as there's no list, in fact it says you can win the scenario without the items, I just think it'd be nice to have them if I knew what the objects were. I knew what the animals were because of the already built exhibits. Thank you.


Offline Jay

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Re: Holiday Tree Farm Scenario
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2009, 05:31:06 AM »
It is possible to see what things a zoo uses by looking inside it with NotePad (or another text editor or binary editor or hex editor). But it is not easy because most of the file is not human readable. One also has to be careful not to save it inside an editor, since that will probably corrupt it. It appears that Firehawke's does not use any user made things. For the other one, it appears it uses the United States Flag (f554b047), Neonlamp (fbb43088), and RCT Information Booth (41F780EA).

Offline ktesch

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Re: Holiday Tree Farm Scenario
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2009, 10:38:22 AM »

Okay, thank you. I took out the zoos and already tried to look for the lamp under Misc. Scenery, I think it was, but didn't find one. Unless it's in the Urban Lights and Decor Pack. I'm not sure.


Offline Natureboy28

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Re: Holiday Tree Farm Scenario
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2009, 06:48:44 PM »
If you still need help; all you need to do is to use the shift+4 cheat that gives you 10,000 dollars each time. Just get enough money you need and delete all the excess trees, level the terrain, and make the path layout. Then you build 20 by 20 exhibits. After that you add additional exhibits. I usually go by animals that are found off the coast of Alaska since I have CC. Don't forget to incluse all the food stands and a gift cart or two and make it all symetrical. clap clap clap clap clap

Offline Jay

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Re: Holiday Tree Farm Scenario
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2009, 02:09:25 AM »
Quote from: ktesch
I took out the zoos and already tried to look for the lamp under Misc. Scenery, I think it was, but didn't find one. Unless it's in the Urban Lights and Decor Pack. I'm not sure.

I believe the neon lamp used in that zoo (and in many other zoos) is the one from the old ZTU. ZA has the ZTU downloads, but the ZTU object downloads have not been restored yet at the ZA ZT1 download site. My understanding is that the download is also available in the ZTU download section at Phoenix.

Offline ktesch

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Re: Holiday Tree Farm Scenario
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2009, 07:53:01 AM »

Were they by an author named Martjin? If so, I found them. They look like big Champagne glases to me. One is blue, the other is a golden color. Like Champagne.


Offline Natureboy28

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Re: Holiday Tree Farm Scenario
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2009, 07:25:37 PM »
Wait, what is it that you were talking about, the lamps or what??? :wist :wacko

Offline ktesch

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Re: Holiday Tree Farm Scenario
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2009, 08:04:18 PM »

I found them already and added them to my zoo.  Thanks.


Offline Jay

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Re: Holiday Tree Farm Scenario
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2009, 01:33:29 AM »
Were they by an author named Martjin?

Yes, the ZTU Neon Lamp was done by Martijn. Here was its description from the old ZA site (although the part about noticing restaurants because of it would not apply to ZT):
ZTU Neon Lamp
Part of the ZTU Collection, made by Martijn.
This Neonlamp changes color all the time. Put it in front of a restaurant, and your guests will surely notice the restaurant.