Author Topic: Help Finding a Hack Where You Can Place Things in Water/Overlap Stuff?  (Read 12526 times)

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Offline wonkycrayons

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Hello, I'm new here so forgive me for just straight up asking a question like this. Years ago when I played ZT2 I had a hack that allowed for a lot more flexiblity in desigining exhibits. You could put trees in water, mix different kinds of  plants on the same square without one replacing the other, put the misty spring flowing into a pond (I liked that look), basically you could put almost anything you wanted anywhere you wanted. I was hoping someone will help me find that hack again. Thank you very much!

Offline fern

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I don't know if what you want is there but you could try looking in this area Hacks
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Offline wonkycrayons

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I thought it was the moveable everything hack you guys have but its not. Thinking back I think it was called something like "The Everything Hack", thanks anyway. I Googled  it and found a few links leading nowhere that seems to support my theory it was the everything hack. I guess it vanished off the face of the Earth unless someone knows where it is.

Offline spitfire2nd

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Well if you have Zt2 AA and ES then there is a hack at if u have zt2 there are many small hacks u can download
and also that hack i think is the no foliage/rock grid hack at zeta designs
« Last Edit: April 17, 2010, 05:42:46 AM by spitfire2nd »

Offline wonkycrayons

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Thanks everyone but I found what I needed at a place called Environ.