Souvenirs & Gifts (Downloads) > Zoo Tycoon 2 Downloads

Problems with login in!


I have problems logging in , like the only way to log into my account is from mail , in the mail it said my password and username I try to log into my account from this website , but is always the same problem it said that the Username Doesn't Exist. please Help

Because of where this post is, I do not know which site you are trying to log into. This site is the main Zoo Admin site ( When I try to log in with your user name of jorhe123, but without entering a password, it gives me an error about the password and not "Username Doesn't Exist". So this site definitely knows your user name. But if you were trying to log into one of the download sites ( or, then you would get the "Username Doesn't Exist" because those sites do not allow members to log into them. You can download from those sites without logging into them. Sometimes those sites might be in "maintenance mode". When they are, a reason is shown and you will have to wait for them to not be in maintenance mode before you can download from them.


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