Fantasticly AWESOME NEWS!!! I found out how to find the hidden Zoo Tycoon 2 folders without the internet. First, Go to a folder your already have, if you dont have a folder, make a new one. Second, look on the top left of the folder and click on organize, Then click on the "folder and search options". Then a pop up will apear, click on the view tab on the top of the pop up. Then scroll down untill you see the hidden file option, and click on the show the hidden folder and then click OK on the bottom of the pop up. After that follow the rest of Yellowrose's instructions. I'll give you guys a link to her steps and the download center. I hope this advice helps and comment if this was helpful info or if you have any questions below. -czajenstar1
Link To Download Center: To Yellowrose's Instructions: Please note, this advice is ONLY for people with a newer web server, which means that the old style internet, which Yellowrose's suggested you use to find the hidden files works if you have an older server. If your unsure what kind of server you have look at the picture below or go to Yellowrose's topic with the link I gave you. By looking at the picture, you'll be able to tell weather of not you have the same thing as Yellowrose! (Sorry, for some reason the picture doesn't show up, annoying box with a X