When the boards are made available you will notice not all files are yet available.
You will see information on the right side of the main page if the area contains downloadable files.
Not all files are available but we wanted to make available the files that have been done.
Please do not ask when this file or that file will be made available. ShenTirag and the rest of the ZT 2 staff at ZA will get to the files when their own real lives permit it.
Please show some patience. Between ZT 1 and ZT 2 we have close to 3000 files to get sorted and posts done for. We are sorry but this is going to take some time to complete to get all ZT 1 and ZT 2 downloads available again.
We were tired of having problems with downloads databases and thought this format of supplying links to the files on the server through posts like those at the DD would be a better solution and less headaches.
Please enjoy the files we have been able to get done to this point.
Edited by Jay for the differences of the ZT 2 site over the ZT 1 site.