Author Topic: PETA  (Read 24405 times)

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Offline Peregrine Falcon

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« Reply #25 on: March 02, 2006, 08:15:15 PM »
Hurrah for Crystal! :wtg
I voted NO!
I think that zoo's do take good care of animals (except for those on the streets and the one in Madagascar the movie...[all concrete!])

Offline Koala Komander

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« Reply #26 on: March 02, 2006, 08:53:09 PM »
i vote no.  they go to overoard. and if they want to make true statements ,you don't have to involve religous people like jesus. Zoos house sick,injured or endangered species that need help and have less chances in surviving in the wild.they rellease them when they are better! Zoos aren't prisions! I do not support them

Offline Panda King

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« Reply #27 on: March 02, 2006, 08:55:04 PM »
I voted NO!! They seem like pshyopaths who force the incorrect beliefs on people.

do agree with them about taking care of animals, they do need our help because we didn't follow Gods command. But they shouldn't go psycho on people that don't share their extreme beliefs. Something some PETA people did to a member of my family is nearly unforgiveable. They wanted to set his dog free because he was taking a few minutes to eat inside a restaurant with his family. The windows were halfway down so she could get fresh air but not run into the highway. But PETA members came by and opened a car door and stuck a note in his windshield wiper that told him his dog could've died of heat exhaustion! Luckily for Crystal (the dog's name) she was smarter then those guys that opened the door. When they came out of the restaurant they saw the door wide open and Crystal sitting far away from it.

The broke into that families car? That's a crime almost EVERYWHERE! Also, how could she die of heat exaustion if the window was open enough for fresh air?

Offline Penguino

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« Reply #28 on: March 03, 2006, 01:30:45 AM »
Originally posted by brownwolf@Mar 3 2006, 10:49 AM
Yes, we do have dominion over animals. However the infamous verse in Genesis "fill the Earth and subdue it" is often twisted.

We are supposed to reflect the character of God, and this includes how we treat the creatures we have dominion over. Abusing them (such as using them in bullfights) simply does not reflect the character of God. Using them to find cures for diseases, thus saving the most precious of God's creation (humans, like it or not PETA), is not a sin. However I am strongly against using them to test unnecessary cosmetic products, such as make-up, which does nothing for humanity except satisfy our *general* desire for beauty (not all of us care about make-up).
Agreed, Brownwolf.

Offline zoohio

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« Reply #29 on: March 03, 2006, 03:46:19 AM »
I voted No as well. But everyone has their beliefs. If I were a PETA member, I would stand for 'People Eating Tasty Animals'!  :hehe

Here in the states, we have so many groups protecting wildlife and everyonce in awhile, one will get way too crazy. One group in particular was against logging in the Northwest area of the USA. They decided to burn the logging equipment, buildings, and tool sheds to prevent this from happening. Of course it spread into a wildfire that burned thousands of acres of the same forests they were trying to protect. Now that was DUMB!

And when a PETA member throws paint on someones fur coat to make a point that is also stupid. The person wearing the coat will have insurance, and will go and buy another coat because they can.  So now more little creatures were destroyed to make a point.

The best way to get your point across in a positive manor, is to practice what you preach! This method is more contagious. By doing so, you are simply following a belief, and will get more attention from others because you are being postive about your belief. Humans are attracted to postive energy. Negative energy generates negativity, and will most likely generate more of a protest.
This is called fear, and fear stems from ignorance! Teach people by letting the see the difference.

Offline Peacenote

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« Reply #30 on: March 03, 2006, 07:55:25 AM »
I voted NO too.  While I believe that probably when the organization started it has good intentions, and that a lot of the people who DO support it have good intentions, I think the organization as it is now is really too radical or corrupt to do much good.  Obviously, from all the information you've all put here it's actually actively doing harm in many cases.  It's a shame, actually.

Offline brownwolf

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« Reply #31 on: March 03, 2006, 08:18:27 AM »
I do agree with them about taking care of animals, they do need our help because we didn't follow Gods command. But they shouldn't go psycho on people that don't share their extreme beliefs. Something some PETA people did to a member of my family is nearly unforgiveable. They wanted to set his dog free because he was taking a few minutes to eat inside a restaurant with his family. The windows were halfway down so she could get fresh air but not run into the highway. But PETA members came by and opened a car door and stuck a note in his windshield wiper that told him his dog could've died of heat exhaustion! Luckily for Crystal (the dog's name) she was smarter then those guys that opened the door. When they came out of the restaurant they saw the door wide open and Crystal sitting far away from it.
That's insane. The dog could have run off and gotten killed. What are they thinking???

If I saw a dog suffering from heat exhaustion in a car (not saying Crystal was), I would simply go into the building and have them announce that (insert car's liscence plate)'s dog was suffering from heat exhaustion. You don't break into someone's car.

A friend of mine (PETA member) wanted to steal my neighbor's dog because he was never allowed in the house and was tied up out back. I think it's only right to steal a dog if the animal control in your area kills dogs that they "rescue" (mine does), and the animal is suffering so much that its life is in danger. I would go over there and play with him sometimes to keep him company. When he died, his owners told me that he was part wolf, and then I felt really bad because wolfdogs aren't supposed to be kept on chains.  :sad A lot of times, he'd just sit there, howling.  :sad

Offline Ooot

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« Reply #32 on: March 03, 2006, 12:16:21 PM »
I just thought, what do PETA members think of the 4H fair? :whistle

Offline HorseGal

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« Reply #33 on: March 03, 2006, 12:35:55 PM »
Hey, I've heard of the ''People Eating Tasty Animals' thing on myspace! That's lol!  :hehe

Offline Smilodon fatalis

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« Reply #34 on: March 03, 2006, 02:08:39 PM »
Nope, I've never understood the whole animal rights argument. :P

Offline creationfan

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« Reply #35 on: March 03, 2006, 08:30:49 PM »
A friend of mine (PETA member) wanted to steal my neighbor's dog because he was never allowed in the house and was tied up out back. I think it's only right to steal a dog if the animal control in your area kills dogs that they "rescue" (mine does), and the animal is suffering so much that its life is in danger. I would go over there and play with him sometimes to keep him company. When he died, his owners told me that he was part wolf, and then I felt really bad because wolfdogs aren't supposed to be kept on chains. A lot of times, he'd just sit there, howling.
You're right, unless a situation calls for an immediate action like that (like if someone is flinging darts at a dog) no one has the right to do steal a dog from someone. That dog does belong to them, and the only thing you can do for the dog is usually to just alert someone who is supposed to handle that stuff legally. Of course if they are just going to go and put it down that kinda messes up the situation a bit, I guess that is where judgement calls come in.

Offline TYCOON1

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« Reply #36 on: March 04, 2006, 04:57:47 AM »
I think that PETA should leave the job to the professionals, The American Humane Society or the World Wildlife Federation. They are not saving the world, they are making it worse than we ever did (ex: the fires that burned down the lumber yard that burned down the forest they were trying to save).

Offline MaddPilot

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« Reply #37 on: March 04, 2006, 05:51:46 AM »
I have a relative whom is senior council for the Humane Society, and he agrees that  PETA are extremists in certain ways, and that they should leave it to those who can take the right form of action.

Also, I was passed a PETA "kids" card in school by a student, and on the card there was a graphic picture of a child falling over while holding a paper saying "2+2=6" [or something of the sort], with a large "F",  in his other hand he was holding a carton labeled "Fish Sticks".  He was named "Dumb Dave", and on the back of the card there was nonsense about how every bite of fish you eat, you become more stupid, and that if you eat any sort of fish, your grades will drop and you will get lead poisoning.  That's just plain lying, how can anyone try and corrupt the youth like that?

Offline TYCOON1

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« Reply #38 on: March 04, 2006, 06:20:09 AM »
That's a bunch of nonsense. Eating fish can make you smarter and lessens your risk of getting Alzheimer's disease. They are brainwashing the youth to make them think everything their parents ever taught them is bad and they should listen to PETA.

Offline brownwolf

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« Reply #39 on: March 04, 2006, 06:43:54 AM »
Nope, I've never understood the whole animal rights argument.
I don't really understand it either; I just try my best (and I fail a lot) to do what Jesus would do, and Jesus wouldn't kill an animal for the pleasure of it.

I have a relative whom is senior council for the Humane Society, and he agrees that PETA are extremists in certain ways, and that they should leave it to those who can take the right form of action.
Yes, the Humane Society is definitely a lot better than PETA. They're not out to preach what they think is right; they're out to rescue animals from bad situations. The only times they ever go "overboard" is when they take away an animal that isn't really in danger, but that's the worst they do.

Offline Crookshankz227

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« Reply #40 on: March 04, 2006, 06:46:07 AM »
While I do think fur and skins shouldn't be encouraged (particularly cat skins like the ones Bobby Trendy uses), I think that PETA is a ridiculuos organization, and the people are really not clear as to what they actually want. I prefer serious organizations, PETA makes people think that animal's rights is a rather ridiculous joke - they do !

Offline zoobengal

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« Reply #41 on: March 17, 2006, 03:20:21 PM »
I love and respect and ever defend any animal i see, but PETA is just to extremist. What curious they defend animals (they really dont defend animals all the things they do only harm more an animal ) but they violate others people security. Im cristian and in the bible says we must protect the animals but also respect other people whatever they do and the things PETA does harm people.

Offline Crookshankz227

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« Reply #42 on: March 17, 2006, 08:44:19 PM »
Originally posted by creationfan@Mar 3 2006, 11:30 PM
You're right, unless a situation calls for an immediate action like that (like if someone is flinging darts at a dog) no one has the right to do steal a dog from someone. That dog does belong to them, and the only thing you can do for the dog is usually to just alert someone who is supposed to handle that stuff legally. Of course if they are just going to go and put it down that kinda messes up the situation a bit, I guess that is where judgement calls come in.
True, but a dog is a living animal with feelings - the owners should not keep a dog if they can't keep it properly. What if they beat the dog, or keep it locked up without food and water ? I feel that the owners should be given a warning at the beginning, but the animals of repeat offenders should be conficated and rehoused.

Offline brownwolf

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« Reply #43 on: March 18, 2006, 05:11:46 PM »
I agree with Crookshankz227.

Yes, people should be allowed to raise an animal how they want to raise it, but only if they aren't cruel. Also, a dog that's abused will usually become extremely aggressive and is a threat to society. We really have to crack down on animal abusers.

I'm a Christian too, and while I do know that God gave us dominion over animals, they still belong to Him and I will not stand by while our dominion is abused.

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« Reply #44 on: March 18, 2006, 05:56:40 PM »
I have to say that i'm not such a huge fan of animal rights in general. I am in favor of conservation and environmental protection because that affects all human life. But things like minks raised for fur or animals raised for meat do not have rights. They are raised as a resource and the more cattle you've got the more mouths you can feed. As a human being i'm appaled that anyone would choose to give a cow more food than a starving person. I think that people should and will always come before animals. I also apply this to pets. I mean, someone shouldn't go to jail because their to poor to take care of a dog. And i don't belive that they can just give it to a pound either. For one thing despite the treatment there probably are some emotional connections to the animal and pounds are incredably overcrouded anyway. Most dogs just end up being killed or dying in poor overcrowded conditions anyway. If you want dogs and cats to escape maltreatment, stop breeding them in such numbers, particularly breeders. As such i find that PETA's disgushting tactics work against them. My father works in Biotech and his and other companies are in constant fear of being attack for animal testing, a nessacary part of the drug making process. Their comparisons of the meat industry to **** Germany and the Holocaust make me feel sick, in fact their racist in a way by comparing Jews to animals. These are just my opinions, which i think are not often expressed on this site as much as they are in real life.

Offline Midnightstar5555

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« Reply #45 on: March 18, 2006, 06:23:02 PM »
:idea There should be a NEVER!!!!!! option, until then i'm not voting. ;)

Offline Howling Shadow Wolf

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« Reply #46 on: March 18, 2006, 07:12:26 PM »
Also,there sshould be a ' Yes,and No' option.Until thn,I'm not vooting either. ;)

Offline brownwolf

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« Reply #47 on: March 18, 2006, 07:16:19 PM »
Or a "sometimes" option...

Offline Crookshankz227

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« Reply #48 on: March 18, 2006, 08:11:54 PM »
NO! stands for never & VERY anti-PETA, no stands for very rarely, yes stands for occaisionally and YES! stands for all the time, I think.

Offline Midnightstar5555

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« Reply #49 on: March 18, 2006, 08:18:04 PM »
I found something about PETA abuseing chickens and also bulfighting!! :(