Author Topic: PETA  (Read 24402 times)

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Offline brownwolf

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« Reply #50 on: March 19, 2006, 05:26:51 PM »
I voted "no" then. Thanks CS. :)

I found something about PETA abuseing chickens and also bulfighting!!
Hmm...was it on an anti-PETA site? If it was, they might just be saying that. I'm not sure.

Offline ZooD

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« Reply #51 on: March 20, 2006, 12:27:14 PM »
Originally posted by MaddPilot@Mar 4 2006, 08:51 AM
I have a relative whom is senior council for the Humane Society, and he agrees that  PETA are extremists in certain ways, and that they should leave it to those who can take the right form of action.

Also, I was passed a PETA "kids" card in school by a student, and on the card there was a graphic picture of a child falling over while holding a paper saying "2+2=6" [or something of the sort], with a large "F",  in his other hand he was holding a carton labeled "Fish Sticks".  He was named "Dumb Dave", and on the back of the card there was nonsense about how every bite of fish you eat, you become more stupid, and that if you eat any sort of fish, your grades will drop and you will get lead poisoning.  That's just plain lying, how can anyone try and corrupt the youth like that?
actually thats true, im not saying they didnt stretch the truth OHH man did they stretch the truth, but in FPS (Future Problem Solvers) we did a segment on the mercury level in a fishes body, and how pregnant women should not eat alot of tuna, but fish in general is harmless

Offline Skid 32

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« Reply #52 on: March 20, 2006, 02:53:28 PM »
Hmm...was it on an anti-PETA site? If it was, they might just be saying that. I'm not sure.
True, there is probably the same amount of mud throwing and lying on both sides of the PETA debate.

Offline Winxhorse

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« Reply #53 on: March 27, 2006, 02:04:09 PM »
No!! To peta!!I know a big cat rescue ( who takes care of more aniamls   other than cats ) Peta said they should close down!! Down with Peta is what I say down with the Peta!! :angry They make me want to go down there a bring oh let me think 1,000,000  Soldiders!They are also going asganist good zoos like Fort worth zoo and San Deigo zoo!! :angry    :angry

Offline A_Q

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« Reply #54 on: March 30, 2006, 07:18:33 AM »
I myself voted no.
Understand that I and anyone can post anything they wish if they make their own webpage or on a webpage.
So, don't believe 90% of what you read on the internet kids. ;)

If you want to know real facts, go to the source. If you knock on the door of a PETA office, tell them you have questions and they shut the door on you.....ummm, well, they have something to hide and I would not support them.

There are many wonderful organizations out there that will give, even their fiscal year in writing (because they have nothing to hide), that do wonderful and great things to help our animals and wildlife.

I feel that the way they approach it and the way thier monies are handled is always what is of my concern when I support an organization.
So, I research and investigate organizations I am interested in myself.
I am a firm beleiver that charity always starts at home. If you can not feed your starving, home your homeless, help your stray animals on a local level, how could think of trying on a greater scale if the first step can not be reached?
Just food from my thoughts for ya!

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« Reply #55 on: April 13, 2006, 06:51:22 AM »
I don't like them! Killing and throwing millions of kittin and puppys in garbage cans. I wish someone shuts em down. And throwing lies into peoples faces. Comparing Black slaves to pets its there new compaign. Going against zoos. People can't eat fish it all makes retarted beacause it has mecury in it! What most are bred in farms. And if you fish just don't go to lakes with factorys poluting the water. Anyway its not true look at Eagles thier not stupid and they eat fish. And telling kids to stop drinking milk! Because its cruel. Without milking them they get milkpiosening kill the calf and her. I just want someone to stop the beating of animals. Not stop everything. They are against pets. Saying the good start is to take pet out of the dictionary or say let all you  pets loose! Yorkies can't survive out in the wild! Anyway I think they hate people and pets. And I don't like most if what they beileve. I hope none of you gonna hate me now. Please I need to know if i'm the only one.

Offline Penguino

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« Reply #56 on: April 14, 2006, 12:17:03 AM »
Well, I don't quite get most of what you're saying, but if you haven't noticed, most of us aren't fans of PETA either. :lol

Offline africanwilddog

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« Reply #57 on: April 14, 2006, 10:02:52 AM »
I love animals, I believe they have rights and are not to be exploited, I am vegetarian myself, and I can occasionally become sligthly fanatic with issues to do with conserving wildlife,
But support PETA? - No. Plain and simple.
My Reason - I think PETA's values are right, but it is a failure as an organisation. PETA has their priorities wrong. Vegetarianism shouldn't come first. Protecting wildlife from poachers should coem first. Stopping the pet trade in illegal species should come first. Both of these issues are almost completely neglected by PETA.
On the zoo front, I think PETA's got their facts wrong again. I am a big fan of the San Deigo, Singapore and Johannesbrug Zoos, but the one zoo I really respect is the UWEC, or Ugandan Wildlife Education Center. It has only African animals, and not a single Elephant, leopard, hippo, giraffe or zebra, but all the animals there were either given homes better than their previous ones, or rescued, or bred in captivity. The carnivores and dangerous herbivores like buffalo and bushpig have GIGANTIC exhibits. The herbivores like Vervet Monkeys, antelope and Ankola Cattle move freely around the zoo, separated from the guests by a knee-high mud barrier. And it's thanks to the UWEC that a segment of the rainforest nearby was prtected, where De Brazza Monkey, Serval, Hornbills and Colobos Monkey live.
Lots of zoos have breeding programs, lots of them educate the public, zoos are tools for conservation.

I might be vegetarian, but I dont go around beating people up to stop eating meat. I LOVE milk and dont see how it harms the cattle.

Also, on the dogs and cats front, WHAT does PETA plan to do with all the dogs? I mean, they don't want them running around the streets, but they dont want them in caring homes either! You can't possibly finish an entire worldwide population of dogs by sterilizing them- PETA would have to KILL dogs to get rid of them. What would you want if you were a dog - A loving home with food, shelter and enjoyment, or DEATH!

There are 3 PETA India campaigns, however, which I strongly support.
1) Anti-Circus Campaign - Circuses should NEVER have animals perfroming. It isn't entertainment. It's torture. An undercover investigation proved that the elephants standing on their hind legs are trained using electric shockers on their feet, and big cats jump through hoops after being starved for days. Many seals and dogs recently died in the Russian Circus at Bombay.
2) Anti-Mumbai Zoo - The local zoo at Mumbai is what you'd call the real Prison. The animals live in cramped, unhygenic conditions, with inadequate food and water, illnessess rampant, shelters few and no enrichment for the animals. The last time I visited it was four years ago, but it hasn't changed much. The crocodiles used to walk around hopelessly searching for water to escape the heat of the sun while they lived in a temporary ditch as their exhibit was renovated. The peafowl are cramped in one concrete-type exhibit. The elephants were once held steady by iron weights tied to their legs, until they were recently given a slightly better exhibit. The most recent disaster took place with eleven Blackbuck, an endangered species, dying, though the reason is still unkown. There is enough evidence to declare that due to bad fencing, dogs entered tehir exhibit, chased them around causing them to panic, and led to them facing severe shock and injuries. Some gazelles also died and were injured due to construction taking place alongside their exhibit, allowing them no privacy and too much noise-caused stress. The monkeys are tormented as people tease them.
3) Anti-Madari - Madari is the Indian word for a person who captures a bear or monkey, attaches a hook thorugh its nose, forces it to walk on bruning tar roads, tugs the hook to make it howl and leap in pain, which people call 'singing' and 'dancing'. This is a cruel torture and PETA has relocated many if the animals faced by this.

So, since I support 3 of their many campaigns, I'll give it a No. But I much prefer organisations like WWF and other Wildlife Conservation orgs, plus SPCA also.

africanwilddog, while I neither agree nor disagree with your comments, please don't post such long comments. The MODs and Admins have to read every SINGLE post on the Forums, and really long ones are hard for us. Thanks.


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« Reply #58 on: April 17, 2006, 06:11:34 AM »
i never liked PETA while they may think teyre helping the animals theyd be hurting them more by getting rid of zoos becaus many zoos take in animals that are hurt and couldnt like in the wild and nurse them back to health and release them plus if you have seen the show Ultimate zoo on animal planet they showw how many zoos are making exhibit enviorments that resembly that of there home like when the zoo made the exhibits interchangable with the tiger malaysian tapir and the orangutan which stimulates there natural behavior by having the oragutan and tapir looking out for the tiger because of the smell and the tiger looking for prey, smell also.

Offline Crookshankz227

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« Reply #59 on: April 18, 2006, 10:31:38 AM »
Originally posted by africanwilddog@Apr 14 2006, 12:02 PM
I might be vegetarian, but I dont go around beating people up to stop eating meat. I LOVE milk and dont see how it harms the cattle.
Cattle kept for milking aren't exactly treated too well, in India there aren't big fields, so they are tied up in cowsheds. They often have to lie down in their own excrement - it gets pretty bad. Then there's the problem of what to do with an infertile cow/cow which is too old to give milk - they are generally destroyed/set loose.

Offline Springfield Elephant

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« Reply #60 on: April 19, 2006, 08:00:02 PM »
Here is the key to clear up any, um...speculation, i guess is the word. (?)
NO!-Absolutly not! or NEVER!
no-Not really, but sometimes. Or, some goals of theirs, but not all.
yes-For the most part, I have some dissagreements.
YES!- I agree with them 90-100%

Thats to help anyone who didnt know the guide to the answers! :happy

Offline lamna

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« Reply #61 on: April 20, 2006, 02:47:20 AM »
PETA is rediculus, they would probley try to shut down a zoo near me because the tigers have a wooden climbing frame, and they might get splinters! They sould conentrate on more importent isusses like indias vulture crisis, poching, ciruses and others. Also they are rasist comparing animals to jewish people and twisting the word of the bible. Im no religios but messing with someones belifs is wrong. There is enougth evidence to take PETA to court, with all the thief, vandlisam, arson, genarl harrassment.

Offline Hughesy

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« Reply #62 on: April 20, 2006, 03:04:59 AM »
They only thing i agree with peta is the anti-fur i voted no! but i saw a program last night about anti fur campagins and they were in it but i don't agree with the whole zoo thing

Offline lamna

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« Reply #63 on: April 20, 2006, 05:48:52 AM »
What is more is that PETA and others dont even do any good, infact they can do alot of damage. Take american mink now they are all over briten causeing havock. Across eurpoe there are racoons and raccon dogs all relesed from the fur trade and all damageing the enviroment.

Offline chupacabra

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« Reply #64 on: April 30, 2006, 04:43:14 PM »
Thay also said "Don't kill possoms for their fur" well now thay are eating most of the trees in New Zealand :angry !
Also thay want to ban walleye fishing in Minnosota one of the most common fish here!

Offline mikaboshi

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« Reply #65 on: May 09, 2006, 09:36:20 PM »
I think for the most part, the reason PETA is so IN YOUR FACE is because it gets people talking. The more people that get talking about PETA, the more widespread their name becomes. They are betting on the fact that someone is going to say something bad about them, and then the person they are talking to is going to say, "Really? I'm going to look into that." Now, they have someone at their website, who, hopefully, will want to "learn more". So they ask for a PETA DVD on vegetarianism...and when they watch it, they are so grossed out, they don't eat meat for a week. Then after that period, maybe this person says, "well hey, that week without meat wasn't so bad. I feel much more energetic, less tired, more alive! I think I'll be a vegetarian!" And now, in some screwed up, weird way, PETA has succeeded in turning one person away from eating meat. Does it always work? No. But the fact that it works SOMETIMES keeps them going at it from a different direction.

I agree with PETA on the animal testing, fur, and I do not think that the meat industry should be able to treat animals the way they do to make a profit. I do not always agree with their methods, nor do I think that every single thing they are against is really that big of an issue. I do not, however, believe that most of what they say is false. PETA constantly has to work with large corporations and businesses to get donations, etc. IF they were throwing about lies, they would lose credibility, and they would also lose their sponsors. Most of them sound like lies because it doesn't seem like they COULD be real. It's sad that a lot of them are.

Offline Cyove

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« Reply #66 on: May 17, 2006, 09:49:37 AM »
I'm controversial really. It depends on the conditions.

Offline lamna

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« Reply #67 on: June 01, 2006, 07:42:01 AM »
This site is  linked to PETA and they are complaining about san diago zoo Breeding elephants I did a search of PETAs site and there was nothing at all about Japanese dolphin drive hunts. If you dont know what they are let me explain, first the whalers get in boats and bang metal poles in the water to confuse the dolphins sonar and drive them into a bay. The the whalers get in the shallow water and start clubing the dolphins to death, the best animals are keep alive and sent to bad marine parks. I would have thought that a site about helping animals would have some informtion about that. I dont think they care at all about indias vultures and how they are being poisened by cattle drugs. Yet they still preach to use that its cruel to milk cows and shear sheep:blink:

Offline Panda King

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« Reply #68 on: June 04, 2006, 12:57:27 AM »
Wow. PETA IS screwed up.

Well, it makes me feel all the better donating 20% of my cash to WWF each year...

Offline elefan

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« Reply #69 on: June 06, 2006, 04:39:47 PM »
I really don't think they care about an animal's welfare or life. They even tried to stop the San Diego Zoo from taking in some elephants that were offered to be sent to a zoo instead of being culled by the government. The elephants would've died if no one offered to take them in. The San Diego Zoo has one of the best exhibit and care for the elephants, but PETA and another animal rights group called Born Free, which claims to be a conservation group, made it clear they would rather see the elephants dead than in captivity. In another case, a couple of good Australian zoos offered to take in some Asian elephants who were living rough lives with their owner who had trouble getting enough money to feed him and his elephants. I don't know if PETA was involved or not, but a group of animal rights actvists prevented the move and lied about the care elephants get in zoos while ignoring the real cruelty that "ex-logger" elephants have to face to survive. Some are trained to perform using cruel methods, as the owner knows no other way to train them, some even have to eat garbage if the owner can't afford hay:crying:. They could go to a "conservation camp", but they are under-funded and the staff is poorly trained and it is overcrowded. Many elephants have died in these camps. Zoos are trying to provide funds to them and send people out to train the staff, but if they go out of buisness or PETA and other animal rights groups zaps their funds, these camps won't be improved, as well as other conservation groups they fund might go bankrupt. If you ask me, PETA is inconsiderate of what animals truly need. In fact, by killing off thousands of dogs and cats, PETA broke animal welfare laws in America while most zoos and even circuses that are also in America don't. (I know Europe and Australia have good zoos, too, but I have heard of cruel circuses in some parts of Europe, and I don't know about any circuses in Australia.)
And Lamna, I agree on that. They tell "horror stories" of zoos and farming and other uses of captive animals, but they do nothing to stop the killing of wild animals, and they just won't admit that for every animal that dies in a zoo, many more die from either man-made or natural causes.

UPDATE ON ASIAN ELEPHANTS: The elephants are on their way to the airport, but the activists won't let them continue. Now the elephants are stuck in the truck and the activists are agitating them:angry:. They even said that the elephants would be better off in the "conservation camps" than in the zoos. I hope they aren't successful. Someone really needs to do something about this:crying:.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2006, 02:49:52 PM by elefan »

Offline sheltiefan

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« Reply #70 on: June 06, 2006, 09:27:53 PM »
I voted NO! I'm not only bugged by the fact that they say zoos are completely horrible, they give false info to children to get them to become vegan, and they often resort to violent activities in protest, some are so bad infact I think they could be considered riots.:ermm:.But On top of that there website is horrible they show extremely violent and graffic footage (a fact I wish I hadn't found out) and put no warning on it at all:crying: :sick:, and they have famous people indorse their campaignes (and I'll bet a good percent of there donations for the animals go towards that). I say if anyone should be boycotted then boycott PETA!!:angry:
« Last Edit: June 06, 2006, 09:31:52 PM by sheltiefan »

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« Reply #71 on: June 07, 2006, 06:31:59 PM »
Yes, looking closer PETA has done some terrible things.... For me I still agree with the principle that animals deserve rights, but PETA is very stupid about how they get animals those rights. If they cared more about wild animals and animals being raised for meat I would like them. But targeting zoos who try to help animal species survive? That is just plain dumb  :mellow:

Offline sheltiefan

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« Reply #72 on: June 07, 2006, 11:26:45 PM »
I agree that animals have rights and that alot of the stuff PETA is against is wrong, but they are very radical and often take things way too far. An example being that they think keeping domesticated fish an birds is cruel because they must be kept in tanks and cages. I don't think animals caught from the wild should be kept as pets, but I see no  problem with keeping domesticated birds and fish as long as they are well cared for.

Offline Springfield Elephant

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PETA kills animals...
« Reply #73 on: June 08, 2006, 03:41:17 PM »
I dont know if any one would be interested in this site, but i found a site that is anti-PETA. This site is what sparked me to start this poll.Here

Offline lamna

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« Reply #74 on: June 09, 2006, 01:53:20 PM »
There stoping the poor elephants at the airport!!! Lucky elephants are good travelers. If they were giraffes then half of them would of died of heart attack. They better move soon!!! Now were did i leave my P 90....