Author Topic: Dead ends r big money  (Read 2458 times)

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Offline I_27_04

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Dead ends r big money
« on: July 04, 2006, 07:34:56 PM »
1.If the pathway of the dead end is populated with guests, and it is long enough to make the guest hungry, put food,drinks,ect at the beginning and end of the pathway. If you think about it when they reach the end (and the length of the trip is enough to make them hungry) then you could easily make money off of it, but if you think some more on the way back they will be traveling the same distance and will get hungry again.

2.If the pathway of your dead end makes them hungry, but by the end, they have onley got half way to wanting to buy food, put drinks,food,ect at the begining of the road and not the end of it.

3.If you are trying to use esthetic value to increase the happyness of the guests (this doesent effect the esthetic value award) then to save alittle money (if atleast 15 guests are on the pathway at any time) path your dead end with esthetic objects.
this gives them twice the happyness becaus they see it again on the way back.

by the way I put tips on how to populate your dead end at the bottom.

4.(If your dead end is crouded wich is good to a sertan point) your guests need exhibits to encourage them to walk the dead end path, but your animals will not like somany guests, so make sure that you chose animals that dont mind guests as much as others. that way you save a bit on fence expences, and if the animals are happy, your guests will see them in a happy mood(which is good).

5. this one is kinda intresting. people often spend a load of cash sinking in exhibits so the animals dont escape. if there are two exhibits paralel to the dead end pathway, and one at the end, there is onley one way to run whenthey escape and that is through the dead end. So all you have to do is: make sure all the gates are facing the inside of the dead end, the gates of the paralell exhibits must be as near to the beginning of the dead end as possible( dont extend the exhibit (unless it doesent cover atseast a majority of the sides of the dead end) . just but the gate at the nearest point to the beginning.), sink the outside of the exhibits that arent facing twards the dead end. this way when they escape the staff are very near to the onley exit and can capture quickly, and it costs alittle les on landremovement:specool: .

Think about it. Quick escaped animal capture,less cost on sinking outside of exhibits+smaller incidents, half the cost on impressing guests with esthetic value=$, extra hunger=$-$$. This deture might not be alot of $, but think about how much $ it makes for such a compact erea, and who sead you can onley have one:happy: . this little fist packs a big punch for its size.

How to populate your dead end.

1.make sure that you dont put your dead end in a place where like onley 1 guest ever visited.

2. if your dead end is too long, and there isnt anything atracting your guests like exhibits, then you should fix that shouldnt you!!!

3. i dont care if you are short on money!!! it is not an expencive distence so be deacent enough to put brick path.

4.if you dont have enough guest in your zoo then how do you think that you are going to wind up with whole bunch in your dead end. wait till your zoo is expanded to a decent level, and your zoo has a stable prophit flow (if you are still in the beginning stage where you are loseing alot of money still then play a bit longer).

5.your guests will not buy things in your dead end if they are not happy. they will not be happy if your animals are sad. get happy animals and make sure they can take the croud pressure.

6. put your dead end near the center of activity and if it is a fork in the road make sure for atleast 10 squaires the other road doesent look as good as the dead end, including the pathway.

i hope this expands your mind of the possibilities that can be acheved if you look at things in a diffrent way:happy:

Offline Gaterade

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Dead ends r big money
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2006, 09:43:24 AM »
Nice idea I tried it and it did work so nice job

Offline I_27_04

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Dead ends r big money
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2006, 06:17:44 PM »
I'm glad u liked it. I have ben trying out the thing where the exhibits r the same size and I was worried I would mess up on somthing. btw if u r planning to have ALOT of guests in ur dead end(like50) then u should two pathways in it rite next to eachother and if you want to draw attention to one side have the other side dirt and the side u want them to be on made out of brick.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2006, 06:23:04 PM by I_27_04 »

Offline BmacZero

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Dead ends r big money
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2006, 08:47:37 PM »
Does sinking the exhibits really work or do they just jump/climb over the height?

Offline Red-Panda-Freak

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Dead ends r big money
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2006, 09:08:04 PM »
great idea--i'll try it as soon as i get the game working!

Offline pikapower704

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Dead ends r big money
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2006, 02:58:25 PM »
I always do that with the first Zoo Tycoon. Not only do you get the big bucks, but, I also think it looks a little like Los Vegas with the endless rows of buildings.

I need to get out more...

Offline I_27_04

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Re: Dead ends r big money
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2007, 11:55:06 AM »
Thanks for puting this on the new sight guys. I thought it was deleted.

Offline I_27_04

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Re: Dead ends r big money
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2007, 10:08:49 AM »
this doesent work with the speedy guest hack, because they move so fast that they pass the food stand before they have time to get hungry, I know it sounds weird butif you look at the hunger settings in the guest ai file it makes sence. unless u have a bunch of guests and the speedy guest hack, then the lag will slow them down enough to get them hungry. :penguin: :penguin: :penguin: :hammer2: