Author Topic: My Zoos and every exhibit you ask for.  (Read 5480 times)

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Offline spiderdraco

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My Zoos and every exhibit you ask for.
« on: February 22, 2007, 11:25:55 PM »
Hi, everyone.
First of all, i've recently bought ZT2 and the ES and AA expansions. After a month of try-failing attempts to know how to use the game (i don't have much time to play due to high school), iv'e finally learned how to use the game and i got almost all the unlockable stuff in the game.
So, let's get started with my 'story', ok?

The year is early 2007. The mexican government has given a zoologist the permission to establish a new natural reservation in the middle of the Chiapas' black jungle, a dense tropical forest in the south of the country.
Several non-government associations have invested in the project, but only if the zoologist can give a home to several problematic animals around the globe or those found in adverse situations.
But there's a little problem in the reservation. Recent heavy rainstorms have flooded the area, leaving only a few little islands above the water level.

But there's no time to worry about the flooded land. Our zoologist receives a phone call from a small natural reservation in Kenya; recently, a pride of lions had attacked the cattle of a small native village. The kenyan government has decided to keep the lions caged in a little valley inside of a canyon and if they cant' find a suitable home for the big cats, they have to be put down in a few weeks. The rangers in the reservation, knowing about the new reservation in Mexico, called the zoologist for help.
After a long trip across the Atlantic, the zoologist arrived in Kenya, in the small reservation, thinking that it won't be difficult to catch the lions, sleep and transport them back to Mexico. Ow, he was wrong.

The canyon is filled with very thick vegetation and a very complicated terrain. And with the savannah plants will be really difficult to find the lions. Three females and one male.

Finally, after a long search that took all night long, the female lions have been located and sedated; now the next thing to do is find the male lion.

Reports from the villagers that got their cattle attacked say that is a really big lion, able to bring down four bulls in single night. The rangers had corroborated the legends about the lion's size; while searching for it, a mighty roar shakes the rangers and our zoologist and a really big lion appears behind a the overgrown grass.
And is willing to attack, but before it can attack any of the present people, a ranger fires a dart, the animal falls asleep and a few minutes after, a helicopter appears above the reservation to finally take the troublesome animal to the mexican reservation.

After that rescue in the dangerous african reservation, the zoologist and the project of the natural reservation have caught the attention of several private wildlife groups and foundations. The park has received a few more budget and several zookeepers from around the globe have decided to work in the reservation.
After this, our zoologist has received an alarming call from a dog pound in Mexico City about three big 'dogs' that were confiscated from an illegal dog-fighting ring in the Tepito district in the city.

Sorry. But i will continue tomorrow in the night; as you can see, our zoologist don't have name yet; so, maybe you can propose one for him. Next post: the rescue of a three big bad canines in Mexico City.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2007, 06:53:58 PM by spiderdraco »

Offline LionPride

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Re: Black Jungle Wildlife Park
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2007, 02:43:36 AM »
Great mission! Glad you got the lions. Can the zoologist be called Arron Thomson? Can't wait for the illegel dog-fighting dogs!

Offline zooluv

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Re: Black Jungle Wildlife Park
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2007, 12:55:15 PM »
Really cool pics! I like the helicopter one.  :clap: :clap: :worthy: :goodpost:

Offline Budgielover101

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Re: Black Jungle Wildlife Park
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2007, 02:50:13 PM »
Nice pics! they match the story well!

Offline spiderdraco

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Re: Black Jungle Wildlife Park
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2007, 05:21:02 PM »
So, i'm back. Let's continue with the story.
After the African adventure (lol), the lions were transported to an already built exhibit in the middle of the reservation, and out zoologist has received many rescue and adoption calls; one of them involving a dangerous predator in Africa, other about a pack of elephants in southern Asia and even one involving a group of Komodo Dragons; but all of them have to wait until a mission in Mexico City be finished.
And they're adapting very well to the tropical rainforest of the southern Mexico. The lion is called 'Max' and the lionesses are Sylphie, Jennifer and Angela.

But that wasn't the only surprise. The Mexican government has donated two crocodiles that were making mischief in the urban area of Cancun; and the reptiles have been sent to the park; were they found really comfortable one of the big lagoons in the area.

The female has even layed an egg in matter of days.
Well, the staff in the park received an alarming call from Mexico City, where the police has confiscated three big and extremely aggressive 'dogs' from a group of criminals and gamblers that were running bets on illegal dogfighting and they will have to be put down if they're not relocated to another location.
After arriving to the center of Mexico City, the staff located a small and defective animal shelter where the animals were kept.

But, oh, surprise! Those were no dogs! Three big and mean-looking gray wolves are inside the small and dirty kennels. Probably, they were trapped in the north of United States or in Canada and bought by a crimelord who thought that no pitbull or rottweiller would be a match for a grown up gray wolf. The animals show scars and wounds all over their bodies, and they're poorly fed, and one of the females is sick. Probably it's mange.

Well, the Aragon Zoo, located in the eastern Mexico City, has decided to take one of the male wolves; leaving the other male and a female under the reservation.
After signing a few documents and made a vet see and heal the animals, the last step was made a helicopter to came and transport the animals from the noisy, contaminated and overpopulated Mexico City and their illegal dog fights to the reservation.

Hope you like the story, boys and girls. I'll continue perhaps tomorrow or sunday, because I'm going to the city center to buy Marine Mania 2 or Jurassic Park Operation Genesis, depending on which one is available. XD.
So, if i get Marine Mania, expect some dangerous, man-eating sharks. But, if i don't, next post will send us back to Africa, this time to the Congo.

Offline zooluv

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Re: Black Jungle Wildlife Park
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2007, 08:56:03 PM »
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww,poor wolfs! I love wolves! :cupid: :cupid: :cupid: :wub: :wub: :wub: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :goodpost: :goodpost: :goodpost: :goodpost: ps quadruple good post! :slol:

Offline spiderdraco

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Re: Black Jungle Wildlife Park
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2007, 06:09:05 PM »
Hi, i'm back.
Sorry for not posting anything on the last weekend, but my computer got messy and you know, sometimes it can got reeaaaaally bad. Well, with my computer fixed and with a new and more speedy connection to internet, i must continue.

After that incident with wolves in Mexico City, our staff returns to the park a few weeks later after filling some documents and some permissions, only to find a surprise.
The lions brought from Kenya have reproducted and the pride isn't just three individuals now, there are now six new cubs in the cage.

Perhaps, when the lions grow up into adults, we must have to do put them into adoption for new zoos and reservations around the world.
And the wolves have just been relocated into an enclosure with vegetation brought from the northern America, the vegetation features two massive sequoias in the middle of a pond built in for the wolves to swim and drink water.

A few days after that, a small country in the middle of Africa called with news about an not identified feline that was attacking the people working in the construction of a bridge over a river. So, our zoologist went into a new trip, this time to the center of the Congo and the well-known tropical rainforest in that area.
After arriving into the Okavango river delta and having a trip to the point of where the bridge was being built, we found a completely abandoned construction site; just because of the attacks from the mysterious animal, that the local villagers have described as an "invisible" creature that attacks people only in night.
Immediatly, a herd of okapis appears next to the river, but they run when a loud roar coming from the forest nearby. Our people run into the forest, armed with tranquilizers. with the intention of finding the mystery cat.

After a long time scouting and searching in the dense and thick vegetation of the forest,
our guide tells the staff to stop and wait in the middle of a patch of thick jungle grass. And we soon find why.
A black shadow moves in front of some trees and our zoologist soon identifies the creature as a black leopard. A panther.

But there's no time for shooting the tranquilizers, because the feline runs very fast, to attack an Okapi that got lost in the vegetation. The big cat pounces at the okapi's rear left leg and the animal stumbles; then the zoologist shoots at the panther and it falls asleep, ready for transportation.

Finally, the animal is sent to the wildlife park, where an already built enclosure has been designed for it. It is just only made for the panther. Here's a view from a recently built bridge.

Ah, and a surprise for all that people that thinks that ungulates are cute. We brought two of them from the Congo.

Ok, that's all for today, people. I didn't got Marine Mania, but i will get it this Saturday (because i ordered it in my local videogame store, hahaha). So i decided to not continue with this story until i get the exp; because my future plans include a biiiiig shark.
Until then, i will post images from one of the zoos my girlfriend and i are building. I can't manage to get a really big zoo, because i got a slow compute...:(
So, until tomorrow night.

Offline Chimpinater

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Re: Black Jungle Wildlife Park (And my Zoos) XD
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2007, 06:55:56 PM »
Great Job Spiderdraco! :happy2: Too bad you can't have a big zoo. :crying:

Offline spiderdraco

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Re: Black Jungle Wildlife Park (And my Zoos) XD
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2007, 08:29:21 PM »
Hi, boys and girls!
This time, i choosed to show you one of my zoos (actually, the biggest one i've built and it caused my computer to crash a lot of times); and i won't continue with the story until i get Marine Mania (gosh, the dudes in the videogame store didn't received the game today, so i will go tomorrow and so on, and so on... :D )
First, let's start with my One Million Gazillion Fabillion Dollars Zoo (just like Dr. Evil would say) and it's amazing gate. I got it after the first open year (actually, zoo's year no. 2) after releasing a lot of animals, breeding a lot of endangered animals (my girlfriend jokes about the Florida Panther and how we made it become a Last Concern) and of course, giving guest a very good service.

Next, it's the overview of how it looked after one year open. We went mad trying to breed a Black Rhino, and that's why the zoo looked so simple.

After we got the little Black Rhino, that's how the zoo looked a few months later, and after including the "Tropical Swamp area" that got my girlfriend working in the zoo for a lot of hours.

The previously mentioned Black Rhinos in their savannah-grassland mixed exhibit. You can see the little Rhino in there!!!

Next, we have the amazing and cool-looking Florida Panther's exhibit. It contains a waterfall, and a few fog machines to give a little more swamp-like environment.

One of the first built exhibits in the year one of the zoo. African Elephants located in a medium exhibit, just for a male, a female and a baby. Also, like the Black Rhinos, it features a mix-up of savannah and grassland.

The entrance of the swampy area. Reaaaally foggy.

And this one, is special. My girlfriend's niece wanted to play, so i let her build an exhibit for her favorite animals: the odd and funny-looking pink flamingos!!!
I helped her a little bit, because she is only six years old and she doesn't speak, read or write english yet (we are from Mexico  ;) and i've also had to help her because she thought that flamingos were fed on berries and grass.

Hope you all like my zoo. I would upload for download, just because my computer gets reaaaally slow after playing half an hour.  :crash: But, like my best friend says: "If you want it, ask for it." So, if you would like that i upload my zoo for someone that has a more powerful computer than mine for playing, i gladly upload my creation.
Most images of my zoo if i don't get Marine Mania...or if you decide to see my creations rather than the story i was writing. Please, let me know which do you prefer.

Offline spiderdraco

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Re: Black Jungle Wildlife Park (And my Zoos) XD
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2007, 06:53:06 PM »
I'm afraid i have good and bad news...  :bag:
My computer got a virus and i had to erase all the data.  :crash: :crying: Including all the zoos i have made!!! Also, i lost some of my other games like The Sims 2, Impossible Creatures and the ZT1 and a lot of gameboy, i'm a little bit sad now.
On the other side, i'm decided to make any exhibit you request!
Just ask for it: Tigers, Lions, Okapis, Gorillas...all from ES and AA. (I still don't have Marine Mania  :wallbash: and i don't have a credit card for downloading DD!!!!  :angry:)
So, anything from the first 2 exp is acceptable; except user-made animals; i don't use them.... :happy2:
I'll do any kind of exhibit.

Offline Dylan95

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Re: My Zoos and every exhibit you ask for.
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2007, 05:49:09 PM »
How about a Merkat and warthog mixed exibit? :sthanks:

Offline spiderdraco

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Re: My Zoos and every exhibit you ask for.
« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2007, 07:30:44 PM »
Here they are, boy; just like you've asked for.
A perfect mix of meerkats and warthogs.
Using scrub and a few spots of savannah grass. Mostly scrub and baobab trees and savannah tall grasses.

Next one, anyone?

Offline ZooLu

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Re: My Zoos and every exhibit you ask for.
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2007, 08:11:26 AM »
What about an Ibex/(Whatever that alpine primate from AA is)/Markhor Mixed exhibit?

Offline dinofreak

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Re: My Zoos and every exhibit you ask for.
« Reply #13 on: March 21, 2007, 04:36:53 AM »
how about a moose/bear/wolverine exhibat

Offline Fennec Nichov

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Re: My Zoos and every exhibit you ask for.
« Reply #14 on: March 21, 2007, 06:06:31 AM »
Let's have some fennec foxes!

Offline spiderdraco

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Re: My Zoos and every exhibit you ask for.
« Reply #15 on: March 29, 2007, 11:51:42 AM »
Sorry to disappoint you, guys. But my idiotic (there's no other way to call her) sister deleted all in my computer, but i will make your exhibits this night.
Now i'm going to do marine animals, cuz i finally got Marine Mania 2!!!
Sorry for not being here before, i didn't know that ZA was online now...a friend just had told me.

Offline spiderdraco

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Re: My Zoos and every exhibit you ask for.
« Reply #16 on: March 29, 2007, 08:10:24 PM »

Offline Fennec Nichov

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Re: My Zoos and every exhibit you ask for.
« Reply #17 on: March 30, 2007, 01:53:01 AM »
Wow, cool! Thanks for the fennec pics!

PS: I'm not allowed to say I'm a fennec on this site anymore except on my show-and-tell thread... so try not to mention it except in there, OK?

Offline ZooLu

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Re: My Zoos and every exhibit you ask for.
« Reply #18 on: March 30, 2007, 09:13:16 AM »
Wow, Thanks! It looks :specool:

Offline jungleman

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Re: My Zoos and every exhibit you ask for.
« Reply #19 on: March 30, 2007, 05:58:08 PM »
could you make a rainforest exibit with nile crocs (I`m actully Mexican also)
« Last Edit: March 30, 2007, 06:04:59 PM by jungleman »

Offline germanwolf

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Re: My Zoos and every exhibit you ask for.
« Reply #20 on: March 30, 2007, 09:11:36 PM »
Great pics and zoo spiderdraco!! Keep up the awesome zoo building work!  :clap:

Offline Fennec Nichov

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Re: My Zoos and every exhibit you ask for.
« Reply #21 on: March 30, 2007, 09:15:24 PM »
Maybe you could add African spurred tortoises to the fennec fox exhibit to make a nice combined exhibit...

Offline spiderdraco

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Re: My Zoos and every exhibit you ask for.
« Reply #22 on: April 04, 2007, 05:43:09 PM »

Offline jungleman

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Re: My Zoos and every exhibit you ask for.
« Reply #23 on: April 05, 2007, 04:59:25 PM »
gracias, mi amigo (thank you, my friend)

Offline ponygirl

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Re: My Zoos and every exhibit you ask for.
« Reply #24 on: April 05, 2007, 11:23:51 PM »
this zoo is very  :specool: