Souvenirs & Gifts (Downloads) > Zoo Tycoon 1 Downloads

Download Problems

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When trying to download the Indricotherium for ZT1 from the extinct animals section, instead of the download coming up, it takes you to a webpage with a "404 page not found" message.

Thank you diversemelody we'll ge that looked into and get the link or the file itself uploaded.

Link fixed


I've spent the last couple of days downloading quite a lot of ZA downloads.

When I tried uploading them all, as per the instructions given, my Zoo Tycoon CC crashed. So I took allll the files back out and started over, transferring them bit by bit to try and find the problem file.

After several attempts, it seems that the problem isn't any specific file as I have tried them in various combinations and that works fine... Up until I get a little more than halfway through my downloads.

So, I tried installing the rest with the "check for new items" on the game's start screen. CC crashed while loading up again.

Is it really because I have too many new objects? I am quite sure I had more user-created items uploaded on my old computer, which only had the original Zoo Tycoon on it,  but ... *shrugs*

Anybody have any solutions?

Welcome to ZA. :wel5

ZT has a number of limits, including how many ".ztd" files there can be. Since CC comes with more ".ztd" files than the original ZT, that leaves less for user made ones. At the Download Directory, there is a topic that talks about these limits and suggested solutions:

Also, do not use the "check for new items" option to load user downloads. That option creates extra files that can confuse ZT if you try to remove the user downloads later.

Good luck and happy Zoo Tycooning. :)


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